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Invocation, Invoke, Invoker: The invocation is the process on which a module can emits a Service for which it is a provider
Activating the tactical environment, Advanced C tutorial, Application properties configuration, Architecture, Attaching service providers, Basic C initialization and runtime sequence, Built-in Applications, C Java interfacing library, C modules basic implementation, Command-line starting, Communication Protocol, Configure how event services datas are handled, Configured C modules initialization and runtime sequence, Data objects tutorial, Detecting if a service has changed, Developing a Scripted UA, Developing a UA, Event Service, External Communication binary format, External Communication CSharp tutorial, ExternalComm, First tutorial, Framework initialization and runtime sequence, Framework Owner, Framework properties, Groovy modules, Groovy tutorial, Groovy tutorial from start, Invoking a service, Ivy application, Java modules, Java modules service interface, Jena application, Jena custom functions, Jena uaFunctions, Key concepts, Map ontology custom function, Map ontology FillOntology module, Module configuration, Module infobox fields, Module interface declaration, Module properties configuration, Multiple UAs Groovy tutorial, Multiple UAs tutorial, Native configuration specification, Network definition, Overview, Owner module, Perfo Logger engine, Perfo Logger scenario viewer, Publish Service, Python http modules, Python http modules service interface, Python http tutorial, Python initialization and runtime sequence for http communication, Python modules, Python modules overview, Python modules service interface, Python socket modules, Python TCP modules, Python tutorial, Python UDP modules, Recorder engine, Recorder JSON file format, Release history, Release history before OpenSourcing, Request-response Service, Request-response tutorial, Scenario Application, Scripted UA tutorial, Scripted UA tutorial from start, Second python http tutorial, Second tutorial, Sequence diagrams, Service, Service implementation, Service interfaces types, Service merger Application, Service providers and subscribers, Services configuration, Sphynx Application, tacticalRules actions, tacticalRules Application, tacticalRules configuration, tacticalRules usage, Triggering event services, Troubleshooting, UA application, UA configuration, UA tutorial, UpdateCap configuration, UserInputs application, UserInputs graphical interface, UserInputs tutorial, vosk Application, vosk Application Push to talk, XUL Scripts, xulInterface tutorial


Notification, Notified, Notify: The notification is the process on which a module is "notified" from the reception of a Service for which it is a subscriber
Advanced C tutorial, Architecture, Autodescripted modules, Basic C initialization and runtime sequence, Basic C tutorial, Built-in Applications, C Java interfacing library, Communication Protocol, Configure how event services datas are handled, Configured C modules initialization and runtime sequence, Data objects tutorial, Developing a Scripted UA, Developing a UA, Distributing data structures as objects, Event Service, External Communication CSharp tutorial, ExternalComm, First tutorial, Framework initialization and runtime sequence, Framework Owner, Framework properties, FrameworkOwner tutorial, Geosparql tutorial, Groovy modules, Groovy tutorial, Groovy tutorial from start, Invoking a service, Ivy application, Java modules, Java modules service interface, Jena tutorial, Key concepts, Map ontology custom function, Map ontology FillOntology module, Map ontology requestEngine module, Map ontology tutorial, Module configuration, Modules data sharing, Multiple UAs Groovy tutorial, Multiple UAs tutorial, Network definition, Owner module, Perfo Logger engine, Perfo Logger scenario viewer, Protocol, Publish Service, Python http modules, Python http modules service interface, Python http tutorial, Python initialization and runtime sequence, Python modules service interface, Python queues, Python socket modules, Python tutorial, Recorder engine, Recorder JSON file format, Recorder splitFiles options, Release history, Release history before OpenSourcing, Request-response Service, Scripted UA tutorial, Scripted UA tutorial from start, Second tutorial, Service, Service datas, Service implementation, Service interfaces types, Service providers and subscribers, Sphynx Application, Synthetic map tutorial, Synthetic map UA application, Triggering event services, Troubleshooting, UA application, UA configuration, UA tutorial, UserInputs application, UserInputs graphical interface, UserInputs tutorial, vosk Application Push to talk, XUL Scripts, xulInterface application, xulInterface tutorial


provider: A Service provider is a module which can invoke a Service
Advanced configuration tutorial, Application types, Architecture, ARINC661 CDS, ARINC661 UA, ARINC 661, Attaching service providers, Autodescripted modules, Basic Data manipulation, Built-in Applications, Bundling tacticalEnv Applications, Clock Application, Communication Protocol, Configuration, Configure how event services datas are handled, Data manipulation, Defining an autodescripted module, Definition and runtime classes, Dependencies, Developing a Scripted UA, Developing a UA, Diagrams overview, Distribution, Event Service, ExternalComm, ExternalComm: starting and stopping services, ExternalComm network property, Framework initialization and runtime sequence, Framework properties, Functional UA runtime API, Invoking a service, Ivy application, Java modules, Java modules service interface, Jena application, Jena custom functions, Joystick application, JUnit concepts, Key concepts, Make copies of services, Map ontology tutorial, Mapping a data type to a class, MaryTTS Application, Master modules, Meteo Application, Module, Module configuration, Module infobox fields, Namespace, Network definition, OptionalServicesConfigurator usage, Overview, ProtoFramework End-user license agreement, Publish Service, Python http modules, Python modules, Python modules version, Python socket modules, Python TCP modules, Python UDP modules, Recorder engine, Recorder XML file format, Release history, Release history before OpenSourcing, Request-response Service, Scenario Application, Scenario data constraints, Second map ontology tutorial, Service, Service alias, Service datas, Service implementation, Service interfaces types, Service merger Application, Service Merger configuration, Service providers and subscribers, Services configuration, ServiceTemplate usage, Spawning subprocesses in Python http modules, Sphynx Application, tacticalEnv Application, tacticalenvModel Application, TacticalenvModel tutorial, tacticalRules actions, tacticalRules configuration, Third map ontology tutorial, Triggering event services, UA application, UA configuration, UA ProjectionHelper, Unit Tests, UserInputs application, UserInputs graphical interface, vosk Application, XUL Scripts


service: A Service is a processing unit containing datas, which can have one or several providers and subscribers
Abstract services, Abstract types, Activating the tactical environment, Advanced C tutorial, Advanced configuration tutorial, Application, Application properties configuration, Application types, Architecture, ARINC661 network configuration, Attaching service providers, Autodescripted modules, Autodescripted modules tutorial, Basic C initialization and runtime sequence, Basic C tutorial, Basic Data manipulation, Browser, Browser configuration, Built-in Applications, C Java interfacing library, C modules basic implementation, Checking services existence, Clock Application, Communication Protocol, Configuration, Configure how event services datas are handled, Configured C modules, Configured C modules initialization and runtime sequence, Connecting misaligned modules, Data manipulation, Data manipulation by using a value to set a Data, Data objects tutorial, Data types, Defining an autodescripted module, Definition and runtime classes, Detecting if a service has changed, Developing a Scripted UA, Developing a UA, Developing Java modules, Diagrams overview, Distributing data structures as objects, Distribution, Event Service, Example usage of a Service alias, Exporting a graph as a graphml diagram, Extending a service, External Communication binary format, External Communication CSharp tutorial, External Communication tutorial, ExternalComm, ExternalComm: starting and stopping services, ExternalComm Channel queue management, ExternalComm logging, ExternalComm network property, FAQ, First tutorial, Framework initialization and runtime sequence, Framework instance, Framework properties, Framework UDP tutorial, FrameworkOwner tutorial, Functional UA runtime API tutorial, Generating a long ID in the browser, Geosparql tutorial, Getting the elapsed time, Groovy modules, Groovy tutorial, Groovy tutorial from start, Identification, Invoking a service, Ivy application, Java modules, Java modules service interface, Jena application, Jena applyOperations service, Jena custom functions, Jena model mapping dependencies, Jena module properties declaration, Jena ontology creation and update, Jena SPARQL requests, Jena tutorial, Jena uaFunctions, Key concepts, Logger application, Make copies of datas, Make copies of services, Manifest properties, Map ontology custom function, Map ontology FillOntology module, Map ontology tutorial, Map widget tutorial, Mapping a data type to a class, MaryTTS Application, Master modules, Meteo Application, Module, Module configuration, Module infobox fields, Module interface declaration, Module properties configuration, Modules data sharing, Multiple UAs Groovy tutorial, Multiple UAs tutorial, Namespace, Namespace tutorial, Native configuration specification, Network Channel queue management, Network configuration, Network definition, OptionalServicesConfigurator usage, Overview, owlObjectRequest, Owner module, Perfo Logger scenario viewer, Player Application, Publish Service, Python http modules, Python http modules service interface, Python http tutorial, Python initialization and runtime sequence, Python modules, Python modules overview, Python modules service interface, Python modules types limitations, Python queues, Python socket modules, Python TCP modules, Python tutorial, Python UDP modules, Recorder Application, Recorder engine, Recorder JSON file format, Recorder splitFiles options, Recorder XML file format, Release history, Release history before OpenSourcing, Request-response Service, Request-response tutorial, Request-response UDP tutorial, Scenario Application, Scripted UA tutorial, Scripted UA tutorial from start, Second map ontology tutorial, Second python http tutorial, Second tutorial, Second xulInterface tutorial, Service, Service alias, Service datas, Service implementation, Service interfaces correspondance, Service interfaces types, Service merger Application, Service Merger configuration, Service providers and subscribers, Services configuration, ServiceTemplate usage, Spawning subprocesses in Python http modules, Sphynx Application, Synthetic map tutorial, Synthetic map UA application, tacticalEnv Application, TacticalEnv tutorial, tacticalenvModel API, tacticalenvModel Application, TacticalenvModel tutorial, tacticalRules actions, tacticalRules Application, tacticalRules conditions, tacticalRules configuration, tacticalRules data declaration, tacticalRules usage, Third map ontology tutorial, Triggering event services, Troubleshooting, Troubleshooting for built-in modules, Tutorials, Type annotation mapping tutorial, UA application, UA configuration, UA tutorial, UpdateCap configuration, Usage of endianness in the ExternalComm Communication module, UserInputs application, UserInputs graphical interface, UserInputs tutorial, vosk Application, vosk Application Push to talk, XUL Scripts, xulInterface application, xulInterface tutorial
subscriber: A Service subscriber is a module which can be notified from a Service invocation
Application types, Architecture, Basic C tutorial, Clock Application, Communication Protocol, Configuration, Configure how event services datas are handled, Data manipulation by using a value to set a Data, Definition and runtime classes, Developing a Scripted UA, Developing a UA, Diagrams overview, Event Service, ExternalComm, ExternalComm: starting and stopping services, ExternalComm network property, First tutorial, Framework initialization and runtime sequence, Framework properties, FrameworkOwner tutorial, Functional UA runtime API tutorial, Groovy tutorial, Groovy tutorial from start, Invoking a service, Ivy application, Java modules, Java modules service interface, Jena application, Jena custom functions, Jena uaFunctions, Key concepts, Make copies of services, MaryTTS Application, Module, Module configuration, Module infobox fields, Multiple UAs Groovy tutorial, Multiple UAs tutorial, Network definition, Overview, Player Application, Publish Service, Python http modules, Python http modules service interface, Python socket modules, Python tutorial, Recorder Application, Recorder JSON file format, Recorder splitFiles options, Release history, Release history before OpenSourcing, Request-response Service, Request-response tutorial, Scripted UA tutorial, Scripted UA tutorial from start, Service, Service alias, Service datas, Service implementation, Service interfaces types, Service merger Application, Service Merger configuration, Service providers and subscribers, ServiceTemplate usage, Synthetic map UA application, tacticalEnv Application, tacticalEnv scenario, tacticalenvModel Application, Troubleshooting, UA application, UA configuration, UA tutorial, UserInputs application, UserInputs tutorial, xulInterface application, xulInterface tutorial

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