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tacticalEnv Application

Function Manage a tactical environment
Distribution tacticalEnv-bin-.zip
Jar files tacticalEnv.jar

Modules tacticalEnv
Namespace http://dassault-aviation.com/tacticalenv

Provided services world

Required services updateWorld

Mandatory properties scenario

Optional properties structure

The built-in tacticalEnv Application allows to manage a tactical environment.

Note that:
  • The tacticalEnv Application does not provide a built-in GUI to show the tactical situation
  • If you want to use the services provided by the tacticalEnv Application in several Java modules, you can use the tacticalenvModel module


Mandatory properties

The tacticalEnv Application has one optional properties:
  • scenario: the path of the scenario (or the scenarios) describing the tactical environment content. See tacticalEnv scenario for more information
  • scenarios: the path of the scenarios describing the tactical environment content. See tacticalEnv scenario for more information. This allows you to use several files to describe tyour configuration

You must specify one and only one of thse two properties.


The following properties configuration specifies only one scenario file:
         <application name="appli1">
            <module name="tacticalenv">
               <moduleProperty key="scenario" value="config.xml" />
The following properties configuration specifies two scenario files:
         <application name="appli1">
            <module name="tacticalenv">
               <moduleArrayProperty key="scenarios" >
                  <value value="config1.xml" />
                  <value value="config2.xml" />

Optional properties

The tacticalEnv Application has several optional properties:
  • structure: the path of the XML file describing the properties types. See tacticalEnv structure file for more information
  • strictCheck: true if it is not allowed to have provided datas in the services declared for the module (see tacticalenv-services.xml) which are not found in you usage. Default is false
  • isSilent: true if warnings with services checkings will not be presented in the framework logs. Default is true
  • activate: true if the aircrafts will move along their respective flightplans. Default is false
  • updatePeriod: the updating period for the aircrafgts positions, used if the tactical environment is activate. Default is 100 ms



Provided services

The tacticalEnv application provides several services:
  • world: provides the content of the tactical environment at start and when the scenario is updated. It is received
  • getWorld: provides the content of the tactical environment on demand
  • aircrafts: provides the aircrafts at start and when the scenario is updated. It is also updated if the tactical environment is activated[1]
    In that case, the aircrafts are moving alongside their respective flighplans
    , when the aircrafts positions are updated
  • flightplans: provides the flightplans at start and when the scenario is updated. It is also updated if a flightplan update is required
  • getFlightplan: provides one flightplan, and include optionnaly the associated waypoints
  • waypoints: provides the waypoints at start and when the scenario is updated
  • nextWaypoint: triggered if the tactical environment is activated[1]
    In that case, the aircrafts are moving alongside their respective flighplans
    , when the next waypoint of an aircraft changes

Subscribed services

The tacticalEnv application subscribes to several services:
  • updateProperty: Update a property
  • updateReference: Update a reference
  • activate: activate or de-activate the tacgical environment. If it is acticated, the aircrafts positions will be updated cyclically
  • goto: Change the destination of one aircraft
  • newWaypoint: Creates a waypoint
  • deleteWaypoint: Deletes a waypoint

Use case

Main Article: tacticalEnv scenario

The tactical Environment Application is useful when you want to get a tactical environment in a tactical situation. The default mode allows to present a fixed tactical situation with the following elements:
  • a FEBA (Front Edge of Border Area)[2]
  • Couloirs
  • Zones
  • Targets
  • Bases
  • Threats
  • Waypoints
  • Flightplans[3]
  • Aircrafts
  • and Custom elements
The scenario describes the elements included in the tactical environment.

Activating the tactical environment

By default, the aircrafts have fixed positions, but it is possible to have aircrafts moving alongside their respective flightplans, by setting the activate to true, or using the activate service during runtime. In that situation, it is possible to:
  • Change the destination waypoint for an aircraft
  • Creating a waypoint or adding an existing waypoint to a flightplan
  • Removing an existing waypoint from a flightplan


The tacticalEnvTools.jar jar file allows to apply a factor to an existing scenario for all (Latitude, Longitude) coordinates.


  1. ^ [1] [2] In that case, the aircrafts are moving alongside their respective flighplans
  2. ^ See Front line
  3. ^ See Flight plan

See also

Categories: builtin-applis

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