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The distribution of the components of the Protoframework project is available on sourceforge at the following address: sourceforge.net/projects/protoframework/. The files for the last version are usually found in the sourceforge.net/projects/protoframework/files/ under the last version number.

Content of the distribution

The distribution publish the following files:

Core framework

To use the core framework with your own modules, you only need to download the following file:
  • Protoframework-bin-<version>.zip: the zipped binaries of the framework
  • Protoframework-wiki-<version>.zip: this wiki as a zipped file

Built-in modules

To use a built-in module, you need to download the associated file:
  • joystick-bin-<version>.zip: the zipped binaries of the built-in Joystick Service provider
  • ivyModule-bin-<version>.zip: the zipped binaries of the built-in Ivy module
  • scenario-bin-<version>.zip: the zipped binaries of the built-in Scenario engine
  • Meteo-bin-<version>.zip: the zipped binaries of the built-in Meteo module
  • Jena-bin-<version>.zip: the zipped binaries of the built-in Jena module
  • externalComm-bin-<version>.zip: the zipped binaries of the built-in externalComm module
  • serviceMerger-bin-<version>.zip: the zipped binaries of the built-in serviceMerger module
  • tacticalEnv-bin-<version>.zip: the zipped binaries of the built-in tacticalEnv module
  • tacticalRules-bin-<version>.zip: the zipped binaries of the built-in tacticalRules module
  • userInputs-bin-<version>.zip: the zipped binaries of the built-in userInputs module
  • xulInterface-bin-<version>.zip: the zipped binaries of the built-in xulInterface module
  • UAApplication-bin-<version>.zip: the zipped binaries of the built-in UA Application module
See built-in Applications for the content of the distribution for each built-in module.


To install the Protoframework project, just uncompress the Protoframework-<version>.zip zipped binaries. The distrib sub-directory contains all the necessary jar files to use the framework.

You however will need a Java 8 JVM to run the tool.

Files useful only for the developer

  • Protoframework-src-<version>.zip: the zipped source of the project. It contains the full Netbeans project for J661, excluding the test directory
  • Protoframework-docs-<version>.zip: the zipped javadoc for the project source
  • Protoframework-tests-<version>.zip: the zipped source of the Unit tests directory

Open in Netbeans

To deploy the Protoframework project to work on it on Netbeans, just uncompress the Protoframework-src-<version>.zip zipped source files. To run the Unit tests, you will also have to uncompres the Protoframework-tests-<version>.zip zipped tests, and put the test subdirectory in the same directory as the source:
      ----- lib/
      ----- nbproject/
      ----- src/
      ----- test/

Categories: general

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