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tacticalRules conditions

This article describes the specification of tacticalRules conditions.

List of supported conditions

The rule conditions specify additional conditions for the parent rule to be executed. There are several possible conditions types:
  • exist: the data exists
  • notExist: the data does not exist
  • equals: the data is equal with a specified value
  • notEquals: the data is not equal with a specified value
  • greater: the data is greater than a specified value
  • less: the data is less than a specified value
  • greaterOrEqual: the data is greater or equal than a specified value
  • lessOrEqual: the data is less or equal than a specified value
  • between: the data is between two values
The data can be either a data of the service trigger, or an internal data.

Note that the conditions element has one optional attribute:
  • "type": the condition type, can be "and" (the default), or "and":
    • "or": one of the conditions at least must be true
    • "and" (the default): all of the conditions at least must be true


The exist condition is a condition which is true if the data exist.

For example:
      <exist name="myData" />


The notExist condition is a condition which is true if the data does not exist.

For example:
      <notExist name="myData" />


The equals condition is a condition which is true if the data exist and is equals to a specified value. This element can have two optional attributes:
  • "type": the type of the data to use for the value. If the type is not defined, the type will be considered as "string". Note that the type is not useful for service trigger datas
  • "delta": used for numeric equalities, the maximum delta between the expected value and the actual value for the values to be considered equal. If undefined, the equality must be exact

For example:
      <equals name="myData" value="10.2" delta="0.2" type="float"/>
      <equals name="myData2" value="true" type="boolean"/>
      <equals name="$waypointID" value="WP10"/>


The notEquals condition is a condition which is true if the data exist and is not equals to a specified value. This element can have one optional attribute:
  • "type": the type of the data to use for the value. If the type is not defined, the type will be considered as "string". Note that the type is not useful for service trigger datas

For example:
      <notEquals name="myData" value="10.2" type="float" delta="0.2" />
      <notEquals name="myData2" value="true" type="boolean"/>
      <notEquals name="$waypointID" value="WP10"/>


The greater condition is a condition which is true if the data exist and is strictly greater than a specified value. This element can have one optional attribute:
  • "type": the type of the data to use for the value. If the type is not defined, the type will be considered as "string". Note that the type is not useful for service trigger datas

Note that this condition will always return false for non numeric datas.

For example:
      <greater name="myData" value="10.2" type="float" />
      <greater name="$latitude" value="1.23"/>


The less condition is a condition which is true if the data exist and is strictly less than a specified value. This element can have one optional attribute:
  • "type": the type of the data to use for the value. If the type is not defined, the type will be considered as "string". Note that the type is not useful for service trigger datas

Note that this condition will always return false for non numeric datas.

For example:
      <less name="myData" value="10.2" type="float" />
      <less name="$latitude" value="1.23"/>


The greaterOrEqual condition is a condition which is true if the data exist and is greater or equal than a specified value. This element can have one optional attribute:
  • "type": the type of the data to use for the value. If the type is not defined, the type will be considered as "string". Note that the type is not useful for service trigger datas

Note that this condition will always return false for non numeric datas.

For example:
      <greaterOrEqual name="myData" value="10.2" type="float" />
      <greaterOrEqual name="$latitude" value="1.23"/>


The lessOrEqual condition is a condition which is true if the data exist and is less or equal than a specified value. This element can have one optional attribute:
  • "type": the type of the data to use for the value. If the type is not defined, the type will be considered as "string". Note that the type is not useful for service trigger datas

Note that this condition will always return false for non numeric datas.

For example:
      <lessOrEqual name="myData" value="10.2" type="float" />
      <lessOrEqual name="$latitude" value="1.23"/>


The between condition is a condition which is true if the data exist and is between two specified values.

Note that this condition will always return false for non numeric datas.

For example:
      <between name="myData" min="8" max="12" />
      <lessOrEqual name="$latitude" min="1.1" max="1.32"/>

See also

Categories: builtin-applis

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