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Recorder engine

It is possible to attach a recorder engine to the framework. This engine will record all invocations and notifications in the framework.

The perfo Logger engine is a default implementation of the engine.


Main Article: framework properties

The eventLogger element in the framework properties allows to use a recorder engine which will record all invocations and notifications in the framework.

The attributes of the element are:
  • The url attribute declares the jar file of the library which will be used to perform the record
  • The scenario attribute declares the file to use to serialize the record
  • The autoStart attribute is an optional attribute specifying if the record must begin as soon as the framework starts

As you see, you must provide a jar file which will contain an implementation for the recorder. A default perfo Logger engine implementation is provided with the framework.


The following example uses the perfo Logger engine:
         <file url="applications.xml" />
         <file url="services.xml" />
         <file url="types.xml" />
         <eventLogger url="perfoLogger.jar" scenario="logged.xml"/>

Interface API

The API for the engine is in the EventEngine interface.

The methods to implement for initializing and stopping the engine are:
The methods to implement for the services notification are:

Implementing the API

To implement the Engine, you must create a class which implemetns the API, and declare the path of this class in your matnifest with the Engine manifest property name. For example:
      Engine: org.da.protoframework.perfologger.RecorderEngine      

See also

Categories: concepts

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