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Documentation about the UAApplication ARINC 661 concepts


ARINC 661 : ARINC 661 is a standard which aims to normalize the definition of a Cockpit Display System (CDS), and the communication between the CDS and User Applications (UA) which manage Aircraft avionics functions
ARINC 661 Server : A Cockpit Display System (or CDS), as defined in the ARINC 661 standard, is an ARINC 661 graphic Server
ARINC 661 client API : This article explains how to use the ARINC 661 Client API in the built-in UA Application module
ARINC 661 client API for MapItems : This article explains how to use the ARINC 661 Client API to send BufferOfMapItems
ARINC 661 client API: Setting the Map reference : This article explains how to use the ARINC 661 Client API in the built-in UA Application module to set the Map coordinates reference
ARINC 661 glossary : This article presents the concepts defined in the ARINC 661 standard, used in the UA Application built-in application
ARINC clippings : The clippings element in the XML ARINC661 graphics definition File regroup definition of clippings
ARINC661 Animation Widgets : Animation widgets allows to perform animations on one of several properties of widgets
ARINC661 CDS : A Cockpit Display System (or CDS), as defined in the ARINC 661 standard, is an ARINC 661 graphic Server
ARINC661 Connectors reference configuration : This article is about the Connector reference configuration file for the ARINC661 Server
ARINC661 Definition File : The GUI definition of the Cockpit Display System interface is defined in a binary file called Definition File (or DF) defining the structure of the graphical interface tree
ARINC661 Inlined SuperLayer configuration : An inlined SuperLayer configuration specifies a SuperLayer configuration where elements are completely defined "in-place"
ARINC661 J661 extensions : ARINC661 J661 extensions allow to extend the behavior of the Server or UA
ARINC661 JavaFX CSS format : This article explains how to use the JavaFX CSS format in the context of the J661 Server
ARINC661 JavaFX Look and Feel : The ARINC661 JavaFX Look and Feel is configurable through a CSS configuration file, and is only available when using the JavaFX UI framework
ARINC661 Look and Feel configuration : The Look and Feel configuration file specifies the Look and Feel file for the CDS
ARINC661 Map projection : An ARINC 661 Server will use a Map projection to convert MapItems (Latitude, Longitude) coordinates to their associated positions in 100th of mm
ARINC661 MapItems : A MapItem is a dynamic element that can be presented in a vertical or horizontal Map Widget
ARINC661 MapItems library : The J661 Server supports ARINC 661 ARINC661 map widgets and ARINC661 MapItems
ARINC661 Maps interactivity : This article presents interactivity on Maps
ARINC661 SuperLayer : The SuperLayer concept is a generalized method to define and manage Layers and Windows in a Cockpit
ARINC661 SuperLayer Window Manager : A SuperLayer Window Manager is a J661 Window Manager which implements the ARINC 661 notion of the SuperLayer
ARINC661 SuperLayer configuration : The SuperLayer Windowing XML configuration file specifies the cockpit configuration for a ARINC661 SuperLayer Window Manager
ARINC661 SuperLayer configuration structure : This article describes the structure of an XML SuperLayer configuration
ARINC661 Typed SuperLayer configuration : An typed SuperLayer configuration specifies a SuperLayer configuration where elements are defined using types and instances
ARINC661 UA : A User Application (or UA), as defined in the ARINC 661 standard, manage Aircraft avionics functions and communicates with a CDS
ARINC661 User Application : A User Application (or UA), as defined in the ARINC 661 standard, manage Aircraft avionics functions and communicates with a CDS
ARINC661 graphics definition : The graphics definition is an XML file which is defined in the properties file with the properties named graphics
ARINC661 layer : A Layer is the top-level container of widgets in an ARINC 661 Definition File
ARINC661 map widgets : The concepts used by the ARINC 661 standard are close to those used in User interface markup languages
ARINC661 mapUI configuration : The mapUI configuration file specifies the characteristics of the MapItems for the CDS
ARINC661 network configuration : The XML Network configuration file specifies the configuration of the Network for a UA / Server communication
ARINC661 pictures definition : The pictures definition is an XML file which is defined in the properties file with the propertiespictures
ARINC661 protocol : A protocol is bound to an underlying network channel which hold the characteristics of the "port" used for its communication
ARINC661 server configuration properties : The ARINC661 configuration properties are configuration properties used by both the Server and the UA for the UA Application
ARINC661 symbol definition library : The Symbol Definition Library (or SDL) is a library of commands which can be used to create reusable symbols in a Definition File
ARINC661 widgets : A Widget is a reusable graphic component defined in the ARINC 661 standard
ARINC661 window Management : The ARINC 661 standard specifies the content of Layers, but does not specify how to manage Layers in Windows and Displays
a661Config : The ARINC661 configuration properties are configuration properties used by both the Server and the UA for the UA Application


Developing a Scripted UA : This article explains how to develop a Scripted User Application
Developing a UA : This article explains how to develop a User Application


Functional UA runtime API : This article explains how to use the methods in the Functional UA which simplify the usage of the ARINC 661 API
Functional UA runtime API tutorial : This article is a tutorial about developing a particular User Application using the Functional UA runtime API


List of ARINC661 useful MapItems : This article presents a list of ARINC 661 useful MapItems and some of their Use Cases
List of ARINC661 useful extensions : This article presents a list of ARINC 661 useful extensions and some of their Use Cases
List of ARINC661 useful widgets : This article presents a list of ARINC 661 useful widgets and some of their Use Cases


Map widget tutorial : This article explains how to develop a User Application (UA) which manage a MapHorz widget
Multiple UAs Groovy tutorial : This article is a tutorial about developing User Applications using the uaConfig property
Multiple UAs tutorial : This article is a tutorial about developing User Applications using the uaConfig property


Scripted UA : This article explains how to develop a Scripted User Application
Scripted UA tutorial : This article is a tutorial about developing a Scripted User Application (UA)
Scripted UA tutorial from start : This tutorial is the same as the Scripted UA tutorial, but without having to do the UA tutorial first
Scripted User Application : This article explains how to develop a Scripted User Application


UA ProjectionHelper : This article explains how the User Application ProjectionHelper works
UA WindowHelper : This article explains how the User Application WindowHelper works
UA application : The built-in UA application allows to execute an ARINC 661 Client
UA application ARINC 661 properties : This article presents the values of the properties for the ARINC 661 widgets and MapItems
UA application dependencies : This article is about the libraries dependencies of the UA application module
UA application tutorials : This article presents the tutorials for developing User Applications (UA)
UA configuration : This article explains how to configure the UA configuration
UA tutorial : This article is a tutorial about developing a particular User Application (UA)
UaConfig tutorial : This article is a tutorial about developing User Applications using the uaConfig property
User Application : This article explains how to develop a User Application
Using UAAppli Application for Maps : This article explains how to configure and use the UAAppli Application for Maps

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