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ARINC661 server configuration properties

The ARINC661 configuration properties are configuration properties used by both the Server and the UA for the UA Application. The path of the file which define these properties is specified with the a661Config property.

Note that if a property is not used, it will just be ignored and you won't see any error message. This for example allow to use the exact same configuration file for the UA and the Server.

General properties

The following properties specifies the general properties used by both the UA and the CDS.
Property name Mandatory Type Refer to Comment
supplement Optional UA / Server supplement The supplement version for the ARINC 661 Standard. It is a value between 2 and 8. The default value is 2
extensions Optional UA / Server ARINC661 J661 extensions The jar file containing the specific J661 extensions to the standard (for widgets and rendering)
warnForUndefAttrs Optional UA / Server - Specifies if the UA or Server must emit a warning for each widget propety which is not present in the Layer size as defined in each Layer Definition File (true by default)

Note that you also need to add the jfxMaps.jar MapItems library to the ARINC661 J661 extensions to be able to see the MapItems.

Graphical properties

The following table presents the graphical properties.
Property name Mandatory Type Refer to Comment
graphics Mandatory UA / Server ARINC661 graphics definition The XML graphics definition File (colors, fonts, lineStyles, clippings, frequencies, halo definitions)
pictures Optional UA / Server ARINC661 pictures definition The XML pictures definition File, used to bind picture names to their associated references
symbols Optional UA / Server Global Symbol Table The XML Global Symbol Table File, used to bind Global Symbols names to their associated references

Communication configuration properties

The following table presents the communication properties.
Property name Mandatory Type Refer to Comment
serverInputPort Mandatory UA / Server ARINC661 protocol The port for the communication UA => Server
serverOutputPort Mandatory UA / Server ARINC661 protocol The port for the communication Server => UA
serverInputSize Mandatory UA / Server ARINC661 protocol The size of the port for the communication UA => Server
serverOutputSize Mandatory UA / Server ARINC661 protocol The size of the port for the communication Server => UA
protocol Optional UA / Server ARINC661 protocol The name of the built-in protocol used for the UA from/to CDS communication, which can be:
  • "udp" for UDP protocol (default)
  • "tcp" for TCP/IP protocol
The default value is "udp"
network Optional UA / Server ARINC661 network configuration Defines the path of a Network XML file defining the channels to open for the UA <=> CDS communication. It allows to define more than one Channel of communication between UA and CDS, each with specific properties
maximumQueueSize Optional UA / Server Event Queue Size The maximum size of the events queue received by the UA or the Server

Note that if the network property is defined, the serverInputPort, serverOutputPort, serverInputSize, serverOutputSize properties are not used and don't need to be defined.

Communication ports

Main Article: ARINC661 protocol

The serverInputPort, serverOutputPort, serverInputSize, serverOutputSize properties define the default port and size of the communication channels between the UA and the Server.

Look and Feel properties

The following properties specifies the Look and Feel properties used by the CDS.
Property name Mandatory Type Refer to Comment
ui Mandatory Server ARINC661 Look and Feel configuration The XML file specifying the Look and Feel for the CDS
lf Mandatory Server ARINC661 Look and Feel configuration The name of the look and Feel used by the CDS

Server specific properties

The following properties specifies the specific properties used by the CDS.
Property name Mandatory Type Refer to Comment
server.computeLayerSize Optional Server - Specifies that the Server will keep the Layer size as defined in each Layer Definition Files. If set to false, it will compute the size of each Layer using the overall size of its widgets
server.autoVisible Optional Server - Specifies that each the Layer will be set as Visible as soon as it is present. By default it will be Visible only after the UA sends a Visibility request for the Layer

Maps properties

The following properties specifies the Maps properties used by the CDS.
Property name Mandatory Type Refer to Comment
mapUI Mandatory Server ARINC661 mapUI configuration The XML configuration file which configure the MapItems Look And Feel. Mandatory if you want to show MapItems
server.projectionUpdateCap Optional Server - The property name to specify if the Server silently allow undefined MapItems sent by the UA. Default value is false
server.optimizeMapUpdates Optional Server - The boolean property setting if the updating of MapItems is optimized. Turning this feature on will discard MapItems which have not changed in the MapItems Buffer. This property allows to reduce the number of MapItems effectively updated in the Server. The default value is false

Windowing properties

The Windowing properties specifies the Windowing used by the CDS.
Property name Mandatory Type Refer to Comment
windowManager Optional Server ARINC661 window Management The name of the WindowManager to use for the Server. Available values are:
  • basic: each Layer will be presented on a specific tab in a tabbed panel (default value)
  • windows: SuperLayer Window manager using the server.windows parameter for its Window Configuration
server.windows Optional Server ARINC661 SuperLayer configuration It the windowManager property value is "windows", this property specify the SuperLayer configuration
server.superLayer Optional Server ARINC661 SuperLayer Window Manager true if the SuperLayer Definition is handled
server.uniqueDisplay Optional Server ARINC661 SuperLayer Window Manager This int value allows to define one unique windows configuration file[1]
See server.windows property
for several Servers (i.e. on several PCs for example), but instantiate only one display for each Server. The property value is the ID of the Display as defined in the Windows XML configuration File
server.background Optional Server - The background Color of the Windows in the format red,green,blue
server.zoomfactor Optional Server - A zoom Factor to be used for the Server Display. It can only set one value, (as for example 0.7), and in that case the factor is applied on both the X and Y axis, or it can set two values (as for example 0.7;0.5), and in that case a different factor is applied on the X and Y axis
server.connectors Optional Server Connectors reference configuration The path of the XML file defining the Layer ID / Appli IDs corresponding with the connector references in the Definition Files

SuperLayer configuration

It the windowManager property value is "windows", the server.windows property will specify the ARINC661 SuperLayer configuration.

if the server.superLayer property is not defined or set to false, then the configuration of the Server will not be dynamic, which means that the Server will not be able to change the cockpit configuration even if the UA ask for a configuration change.


The following configuration allows to:
      # general properties
      # communication
      # server specific properties
      # windowing
      # maps


  1. ^ See server.windows property

See also

Categories: builtin-applis | uaappli

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