element in the XML ARINC661 graphics definition File regroup definition of clippings. They will be used for all widgets which uses a mask (clip) index (the A661_MASK_CONTAINER widget).<clip name="RoundRectangle" index="4" path="round2000,3000,3000,4000,500,200" />
<clip name="Rectangle2" index="2" > <clipPath path="r4000,4000,4000,3000" /> <clipPath path="r1000,1000,2000,1000" /> </clip>Note that each "clipPath" element is by default added to the general Shape, but it is possible to eclude it from the Sape by specifying its "excluded" attribute to true.
x0,y0 x1,y1 ... xn,yn
: denotes a path specified with its vertices. Each (xi, yi) pair correspond to one vertexrx,y,width,height"
: denotes a rectangle, specified with its position and width and heightroundx,y,width,height,arcWidth,arcHeight"
: denotes a round rectangle, specified with its position, width and height, and arc width and height of the rounded bordersax,y,radius,angleStart,angleEnd
: denotes an arc circle5000,5000 8000,5000 8000,8000 5000,8000
denotes a rectangle clipr5000,5000,3000,3000
denotes the same rectangle clip, explicitly defined as a rectangle. round5000,5000,3000,3000,100,100
denotes a round rectangle clipa5000,5000,3000,0,360
denotes a clip which is a circlea-5000,-5000,3000,0,360
denotes another clip which is a circle<clippings> <clip name="Rectangle" index="1" path="r1000,1000,2000,2000" /> <clip name="Rectangle2" index="2" > <clipPath path="r4000,4000,4000,3000" /> <clipPath path="r1000,1000,2000,1000" /> </clip> <clip name="Circle" index="3" path="a5000,3000,3000,45,135" /> <clip name="RoundRectangle" index="4" path="round2000,3000,3000,4000,500,200" /> <clip name="Triangle" index="5" path="1000,0 4000,1000 3000,2000" /> </clippings>
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