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What links here: Configuration

Application properties configuration : This article explains how the application properties values are specified in the configuration
Architecture : This article present the architecture of the prototype framework
Browser : This article is about the built-in framework browser
Browser configuration : This article is about the browser configuration
Command-line starting : This article explains how to start the framework
Debugging scripts : This article explains how to debug Python or Groovy scripts
Definition and runtime classes : This article explains the difference between the classes which handle the definition and those which handle the runtime of the model
Detecting if a service has changed : This article explains how to know if a service content or a data has changed
Distribution options : This article explains the different ways to distribute a framework configuration
Environment variables declarations : This article is about the declaration of environment variables which can be defined in the framework configuration
Environment variables tutorial : The environment variables tutorial is based on the third tutorial, but the property and parts of a path are defined using environment variables
Errors list : This article presents the list of errors which can be emitted by the framework
Exporting a graph as a graphml diagram : This article is about the export of an architecture graph in the browser as a graphml diagram
External Communication tutorial : This article is a tutorial which explains how the External Communication can be used
ExternalComm network property : This article explains how to specify the External Communication network property XML file
FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions
First tutorial : The first tutorial present the coding and configuration of a very simple system with two modules
Framework initialization and runtime sequence : This article presents the framework initialization, runtime, and shutdown sequences
Framework instance : This article present the concept of a framework instance
Framework Owner : This article explains how to create and control the framework from an external application
Framework properties : This article is about the properties which can be defined in the framework configuration
Framework UDP tutorial : This tutorial reuse the first tutorial, but the two modules are in two different framework instances
FrameworkOwner tutorial : In the FrameworkOwner tutorial, we reuse the implementation of the first tutorial, but we use a FrameworkOwner instead of one of the Modules
Geosparql tutorial : This article is a tutorial about using Geosparql with the Jena module
Jena tutorial : This article is a tutorial about using the Jena module
Libraries paths declarations : This article explains how to declare the path of native libraries used in modules
Map widget tutorial : This article explains how to develop a User Application (UA) which manage a MapHorz widget
Overview : Protoframework is a Service-oriented framework allowing to exchange Services between applications
Python configuration properties : This article is about the Python configuration properties
Python tutorial : The Python tutorial is based on the first tutorial, but one of the modules is implemented in Python
Python Unit Tests : This article explains how to develop Python Unit Tests for the protoFramework
Request-response UDP tutorial : This tutorial reuse the request-response tutorial, but the two modules are in two different framework instances
Sequence diagrams : This article explains how to obtain sequzencze diagrams during the framework execution
Showing the content of a configuration model : This article is about the content of a configuration model shown in the browser
Third python tutorial : The third Python tutorial is based on the second Python tutorial, but has a property
Third tutorial : The third tutorial is based on the first tutorial, but has a property
Usage with Anaconda : This article explains how to use Python modules for an Anaconda Python installation
User-defined global configuration properties : This article is about the declaration of global properties variables which can be defined in the framework configuration
User-defined module type example : This article shows an example for user-defined module types
User-defined module types : This article explains how to create user-defined module types
User properties tutorial : This tutorial explains how to specify user properties at the global level, and use them to customize our architecture
Using user-defined properties to customize the framework architecture : This article explains how to use user-defined properties to customize the framework architecture

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