L:\my\directory - filelist.xml - applications.xml - services.xml - types.xml - samplesPublish.jar - samplesEvent.jarIn that case, just performing:
java -jar protoframework.jar config=L:\my\directory\filelist.xml
will start the framework.
L:\my\directory - myZipFile.zip - filelist.xml - applications.xml - services.xml - types.xml - samplesPublish.jar - samplesEvent.jar
<files> <file url="applications.xml" /> <file url="services.xml" /> <file url="types.xml" /> </files>And for the applications configuration:
<applications> <application name="eventAppli"> <deployment> <lib url="samplesEvent.jar" /> </deployment> <modules> ... </modules> </application> <application name="publishAppli"> <deployment> <lib url="samplesPublish.jar" /> </deployment> <modules> ... </modules> </application> </applications>
to true:<files> <file url="applications.xml" /> <file url="services.xml" /> <file url="types.xml" /> <property key="allowNestedClassLoaders" value="true" /> </files>
java -jar protoframework.jar config=jar:file:/L:/my/directory/myZipFile.zip!/filelist.xml
will start the framework.
L:\my\directory - samples.jar - META-INF - MANIFEST-MF - applications.xml - services.xml - types.xml - org - da - samples - protoframework - publish - PublishModule.class - event - EventGUI$1.class - EventGUI.class - EventModule.class
<files> <file url="applications.xml" /> <file url="services.xml" /> <file url="types.xml" /> </files>
will specify that if the configuration is specified as an entry of a jar file, the jar file will be automatically added to the general ClassLoader:<files> <file url="applications.xml" /> <file url="services.xml" /> <file url="types.xml" /> <property key="useGlobalClassLoaders" value="true" /> </files>
java -jar protoframework.jar config=jar:file:/L:/my/directory/samples.jar!/filelist.xml
will start the framework. Copyright 2017-2020 Dassault Aviation. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the LGPL v3 licence