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The built-in framework browser allows to show the architecture of a specified configuration.

Start the browser

The browser is started by executing the frameworkBrowser.jar Jar file.

After starting the browser, the following window should appear:


The browser allows to:
  • Show and edit a model configuration
  • Export a configuration as a graphml file
  • start the framework for a configuration


Main Article: Browser configuration

The Options => Settings menu allows to set the configuration of the browser.

Opening a model configuration

To open an existing XML configuration, just select File => Open and select the configuration file. You should have a new tab in the browser with the file structure:
The result will show the applications, modules, and services, and their relationships[1]
This presentation can be customized depending on the browser settings

From there, you can change the layout of the graph by using the Tools => Layout menu. It is also possible to:
  • Edit the graph by moving boxes or connections
  • Save the edited graph
  • Export the edited graph as a graphml diagram
  • Reopen a previously saved graph

Starting the framework for a configuration

It is possible to start the framework for the selected configuration in the browser by Runtime => Run Framework.
From then, the framework can be stopped either by stopping it directly (closing the Framework console) or by Runtime => Stop Framework.

Only one configuration can be started at one time.

Generating an application or module long ID

A long ID for applications, modules, or services can be generated in the browser for the selected configuration by performing the command Tools => Compute long ID. The computation uses the name of the application, the module, or the service.


Generating an interface declaration

It is possible to generate a specification of the interfaces for one module in the selected configuration. This is not useful for the framework itself, but it can be useful for an application which embeds the framework, such as a Framework Owner.

The tool is accessible through the Tools => Generate Interfaces menu.

Generating a Python library

In order for the Python modules to work properly, you must copy two additional Python scripts which will be used as a library in the same directory as the script itself. There are two ways of communicating with the framework:

Saving a graph

When you save a graph, the format is the mxGraph XML format. You should normally be able to open it with an mxGraph editor.

Exporting a graph as a graphml diagram

When you save a graph, the format is the graphml XML format. It is compatible with the popular yEd free editor.

Browser settings

The browser settings can be accessed through the Options => Settings menu. The settings allows to:
  • Show the parent applications for modules
  • Show applications instances
  • Allow to edit the opened configurations
  • Force simplifying debugging in the runtime, regardless of the value set in the framework properties


  1. ^ This presentation can be customized depending on the browser settings

Categories: browser

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