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Category: concepts

Documentation explaining the key concepts of the framework


Abstract services : It is possible to specify that a Service is abstract and should not be used in the applications
Abstract types : structure types or union types have an optional isAbstract attribute which specifies if the type is abstract, meaning that it can not be directly used in a Data or a structure field
Anonymous types : This article explains the concept of anonymous types
Application : Applications are the top-level element of the framework architecture
Application deployment : The deployment element declares the Jar files which contain the Java code for an application
Application library : The deployment element declares the Jar files which contain the Java code for an application
Application types : Application types are jar files which not only contain the code of an application, but also XML files which define for this application: This configuration allows to create instances of the application without having to define in each instance elements such as:
Architecture : This article present the architecture of the prototype framework
Attaching service providers : This article explains the notion of attaching a provider to a Service
Autodescripted module definition : This article explains how to define an autodescripted module
Autodescripted module manifest : This article explains the content of the Java modules Jar file manifest
Autodescripted module usage : This article explains how to use an autodescripted module
Autodescripted modules : This article explains how to define and instanciate generic Java modules
Autodescripted modules interfaces declaration : This article explains how interfaces declaration are handled in autodescripted modules


Basic C initialization and runtime sequence : This article explains the initialization and runtime sequence of basic C modules
Basic C modules : This article explains how to specify basic C modules
Basic C modules init sequence : This article explains the initialization and runtime sequence of basic C modules
Basic Data manipulation : This article explains the default way to get datas and set data values


C Java interfacing library : The Java interfacing library models the C library functions for configured C modulesusing JNA
C modules : C modules are modules which are implemented as dlls coded in C
C modules basic implementation : This article explains how to create basic C modules C code
C modules with interfacing configuration : This article explains how to specify C modules with interfacing configuration
C native configuration XML specification : This article explains the interfacing configuration of configured C modules
Calling the Framework from external code : This article explains how to create and control the framework from an external application
Checking services existence : This article explains how to check for the existence of services in the Modules code
Configure how event services datas are handled : This article explains how event services datas are handled
Configured C modules : This article explains how to specify C modules with interfacing configuration
Configured C modules init sequence : This article explains the initialization and runtime sequence of configured C modules
Configured C modules initialization and runtime sequence : This article explains the initialization and runtime sequence of configured C modules
Continuous Datas and types : This article explains the continuous datas and types
Custom module types : This article explains how to create user-defined module types


Data : This article presents the concept of Services datas
Data copy : This article explains how to make copy of datas
Data manipulation : This article explains how to get datas and set data values
Data manipulation by using a value to set a Data : This article explains how to to set or get the value of the Service data by another Data
Data objects : This article explains how to distribute complex data structures as Java objects
Data objects tutorial : This article shows an example where a complex data structure is distributed as an object
Data sharing : This article presents how and when modules share their datas
Data structures as objects example : This article shows an example where a complex data structure is distributed as an object
Data structures as objects tutorial : This article shows an example where a complex data structure is distributed as an object
Data types : This article explains the concept of data types
Debugging scripts : This article explains how to debug Python or Groovy scripts
Default Data manipulation : This article explains the default way to get datas and set data values
Defining an autodescripted module : This article explains how to define an autodescripted module
Deployment : This article presents the framework deployment
Deployment libraries : The deployment element declares the Jar files which contain the Java code for an application
Detecting if a data has changed : This article explains how to know if a service content or a data has changed
Detecting if a service has changed : This article explains how to know if a service content or a data has changed
Distributing data structures as objects : This article explains how to distribute complex data structures as Java objects


Event Service : An Service is a service which handle the sending of valued events from providers to subscribers
Extend a service : It is possible to extend a Service by adding new datas to the existing definition of Service
Extending a service : It is possible to extend a Service by adding new datas to the existing definition of Service
Extending a type : It is possible to extend a StructType or StructType by adding new datas to the existing definition of Service


Framework Owner : This article explains how to create and control the framework from an external application
Framework deployment : This article presents the framework deployment
Framework initialization and runtime sequence : This article presents the framework initialization, runtime, and shutdown sequences
Framework initialization sequence : This article presents the framework initialization, runtime, and shutdown sequences
Framework instance : This article present the concept of a framework instance
Framework runtime sequence : This article presents the framework initialization, runtime, and shutdown sequences
Framework shutdown sequence : This article presents the framework initialization, runtime, and shutdown sequences


Generic modules : This article explains how to define and instanciate generic Java modules
Getting the elapsed time : This article explains how to to get the elapsed time since the start of the framework
Groovy modules : Groovy modules are modules which are scripted in the Groovy scripting language


Identification : This article presents the naming and identification of elements
Instanciating a module : This article explains how to use an autodescripted module
Interfacing with an external application : This article explains the solutions to interface the framework with one or several external applications
Invoking a service : This article explains how to invoke a service


Java manifest properties : This article explains the content of the Java modules Jar file manifest
Java modules : Java modules are the default modules type
Java modules service interface : This article explains how to interface with services in the Java modules implementation


Key concepts : This article presents the key concepts of the prototype framework


Make copies of datas : This article explains how to make copy of datas
Make copies of services : This article explains how to create and use copies of event or publish services
Manifest properties : This article explains the content of the Java modules Jar file manifest
Mapping a data type to a class : This article explains how to map a data type to a class through annotations
Master module : Master modules are modules which have specific rights to change the states of other modules
Master modules : Master modules are modules which have specific rights to change the states of other modules
Module : Modules are the executable units in the Applications
Module instance : This article explains how to use an autodescripted module
Module instances : This article explains how to use an autodescripted module
Module interface declaration : This article explains the structure of a Module interface declaration
Module templates : This article explains how to define and instanciate generic Java modules
Modules data sharing : This article presents how and when modules share their datas
Modules deployment : This article presents the framework deployment
Modules types : This article is about the modules types which are supported by the framework
Modules with descriptors : This article explains how to define and instanciate generic Java modules


Namespace : This article presents the concept of namespaces
Native configuration specification : This article explains the interfacing configuration of configured C modules


Object types : This article explains the concept of ObjectType types
ObjectType : This article explains the concept of ObjectType types
OptionalServicesConfigurator usage : This article explains the usage of the OptionalServicesConfigurator utility class
Owner module : The Owner Module is a unique Module which allows the framework to be created and controlled from an external application


Protocol : Protocols specify the communication channel between modules
Provider : A module:Providers for one service are modules which are able to invoke this service
Publish Service : A Service is a service which handle the publication of datas from a provider to several subscribers
Python TCP modules : Python TCP modules are Python socket modules where the associated Python script use TCP sockets to communicate with the framework
Python UDP and TCP init sequence : This article explains the initialization and runtime sequence of Python socket modules
Python UDP modules : Python UDP modules are Python socket modules where the associated Python script use UDP sockets to communicate with the framework
Python UDP or TCP modules : Python socket modules are Python modules where the associated Python script use UDP or TCP sockets to communicate with the framework
Python http init sequence : This article explains the initialization and runtime sequence of Python http modules
Python http modules : Python http modules are Python modules where the associated Python script communicate with the framework using http requests
Python http modules service interface : This article explains how to declare and use the services interface for Python http modules
Python init sequence for version 1.3 : This article explains the initialization sequence of Python modules for version 1.3 of the Python modules
Python initialization and runtime sequence : This article explains the initialization and runtime sequence of Python socket modules
Python initialization and runtime sequence for http communication : This article explains the initialization and runtime sequence of Python http modules
Python initialization sequence for version 1.3 : This article explains the initialization sequence of Python modules for version 1.3 of the Python modules
Python modules : Python modules are modules which are scripted in the Python scripting language
Python modules overview : Python modules are modules which are scripted in the Python scripting language
Python modules service interface : This article explains how to interface with services in the Python socket modules implementation
Python modules types limitations : This article explains the types limitations for Python modules
Python modules version : This article explains the concept of Python modules version
Python notification queues : The behavior of python notification is specified by the pythonQueue element
Python queues : The behavior of python notification is specified by the pythonQueue element
Python runtime : This article explains how to set the Python runtime to start Python scripts
Python socket modules : Python socket modules are Python modules where the associated Python script use UDP or TCP sockets to communicate with the framework
Python socket modules service interface : This article explains how to interface with services in the Python socket modules implementation
Python types limitations : This article explains the types limitations for Python modules
Python usage with Anaconda : This article explains how to use Python modules for an Anaconda Python installation


Recorder engine : This article is about the recorder engine functionality in the framework
Request-response Service : A Service is a service which handle: A request-response Service:


Sequence diagrams : This article explains how to obtain sequzencze diagrams during the framework execution
Service : Services are processing units which are provided or required by modules
Service alias : A Service alias is an alias name for another Service
Service copy : This article explains how to create and use copies of event or publish services
Service datas : This article presents the concept of Services datas
Service implementation : This article explains how the implementation of Services is specified for Modules
Service instance : This article explains how the implementation of Services is specified for Modules
Service interfaces types : This article presents the two types of Services interfaces
Service invocation : This article explains how to invoke a service
Service provider : A module:Providers for one service are modules which are able to invoke this service
Service providers and subscribers : A module:Providers for one service are modules which are able to invoke this service
Service subscriber : A module:Providers for one service are modules which are able to invoke this service
ServiceTemplate usage : This article explains the usage of the ServiceTemplate utility class
Setting a CodeBlocks project for a C module : This article explains how to initialize a CodeBlocks project to create a C module
Setting a Visual Studio project for a C module : This article explains how to initialize a Visual Studio project to create a C module
Spawning subprocesses in Python http modules : This article explains how to use several subprocesses in Python http modules
Subscriber : A module:Providers for one service are modules which are able to invoke this service
Switch type : This article explains the concept of switch types


This article explains the interfacing configuration of C modules : This article explains the interfacing configuration of configured C modules
This article presents the C Java interfacing library : The Java interfacing library models the C library functions for configured C modulesusing JNA
This article presents the grammar of the XML file specifying the C native configuration : This article explains the interfacing configuration of configured C modules
Triggering event services : It is possible to specify that upon the notification of an event Service, another event Service must be triggered
Type annotation mapping : This article explains how to map a data type to a class through annotations
Type annotation mapping tutorial : This tutorial shows how to map a data type to a class through annotations
Types : This article explains the concept of data types


Usage with Anaconda : This article explains how to use Python modules for an Anaconda Python installation
User defined module type example : This article shows an example for user-defined module types
User defined module type tutorial : This article shows an example for user-defined module types
User defined module types : This article explains how to create user-defined module types
User-defined module type example : This article shows an example for user-defined module types
User-defined module types : This article explains how to create user-defined module types
Using a module template : This article explains how to use an autodescripted module
Using an autodescripted module : This article explains how to use an autodescripted module

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