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C Java interfacing library

The Java interfacing library models the C library functions for configured C modulesusing JNA. Each method corresponds to one function in the C library.


The Java interface must extends the com.sun.jna.Library JNA interface.
Each function which corresponds to a service invocation (output) or a service notification (input) for the C module corresponds to one method in the interface.

Declaration type for a service

For each service which is invoked by the C library or notified to the library, you must add the corresponding method in the interfacing library. The signature of the method corresponds to the signature of the C function.

You must also for each of this service add a SignatureTag annotation which will specify:
  • The service name (and optionnaly URI)
  • The interface type, which can be:
    • SignatureType.NOTIFICATION for a service which is notified through the function
    • SignatureType.INVOCATION for a service which is invoked through the function
    • SignatureType.REQUEST for the invocation of a request-response Service request through the function
    • SignatureType.RESPONSE for the notification of a response of a request-response Service through the function
    • SignatureType.CYCLIC_SERVICE for a service which is invoked cyclically through the function
The table of correspondance for the interfaces is the following:
Signature Type Interface Service
SignatureType.NOTIFICATION notification subscribe
It is possible to listen to a request-response Service
publish Service
event Service
SignatureType.INVOCATION invocation push
publish Service
event Service
SignatureType.CYCLIC_SERVICE invocation cyclic
publish Service
event Service
SignatureType.REQUEST invocation requestSend[2]
This corresponds to the request datas for a subscriber of the service
request-response Service
SignatureType.RESPONSE notification requestSend[3]
This corresponds to the response datas for a subscriber of the service
request-response Service


For a service which corresponds to a notification, the Java code will call the associated function when the C module is notified.

For example here we have a service named "event" which is notified to the C module:
      public interface CLibrary extends Library {      
        @SignatureTag(type=SignatureType.NOTIFICATION, name="event")
        public void receive(boolean state);
Here we have a service named "http://my.namespace:event"[4]
the service use a namespace in this case
which is notified to the C module:
      public interface CLibrary extends Library {      
        @SignatureTag(type=SignatureType.NOTIFICATION, name="event", uri="http://my.namespace")
        public void receive(boolean state);


A function which corresponds to an invocation to the C module define the callback which will be used by the framework to call the associated Java code.

For example here we have a service named "published" which is invoked by the C module:
      public interface CLibrary extends Library {      
        @SignatureTag(type=SignatureType.INVOCATION, name="published")
        public void setInvoker(Invoker callback);

        public interface Invoker extends Callback {
          void invoke(int value);
At initialization the framework will call the setInvoker function, which will give to the C library the pointer to the function to call.

When the C library wants to invoke the "published" service, it just have to call the function which was given in the callback.


For example the following declaration corresponds to the interface with a C module implementing the PublishModule in the first tutorial:
      public interface CLibrary extends Library {      
        @SignatureTag(type=SignatureType.NOTIFICATION, name="event")
        public void receive(boolean state);
        @SignatureTag(type=SignatureType.CYCLIC_SERVICE, name="published")
        public void publish();   
        @SignatureTag(type=SignatureType.INVOCATION, name="published")
        public void setInvoker(Invoker callback);

        public interface Invoker extends Callback {
          void invoke(int value);


  1. ^ It is possible to listen to a request-response Service
  2. ^ This corresponds to the request datas for a subscriber of the service
  3. ^ This corresponds to the response datas for a subscriber of the service
  4. ^ the service use a namespace in this case

See also

Categories: concepts | development

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