<services> <publish name="position" id="1" > <data name="latitude" type="float" /> <data name="longitude" type="float" /> <data name="altitude" type="float" /> </publish> </services>The following definition would be incorrect:
<services> <publish name="position" id="1" > <data name="longitude" type="float" /> <data name="longitude" type="float" /> <data name="altitude" type="float" /> </publish> </services>
(description) and comment
(comment) attributes to the data:<services> <publish name="position" > <data name="latitude" type="float" desc="the latitude" comment="DATA01" /> <data name="longitude" type="float" desc="the longitude" comment="DATA02"/> </publish> </services>
<services> <publish name="aircraft" > <data name="aircraftID" type="int" continuous="false" /> <data name="aircraftLongitude" type="float" /> <data name="aircraftAltitude" type="float" /> </publish> </services>
<types> <enumType name="intEnum" > <enumValue name="ZERO" /> <enumValue name="ONE"/> </enumType> </types>And that the "myData" data is of the "myEnum" type. Then all of the following codes are equivalent:
Data data = service.getData("myData"); data.setValue(1); data.setIntValue(1); data.setStringValue("ONE");
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