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What links here: First tutorial

Advanced C tutorial : The advanced C tutorial is based on the first tutorial, but one of the modules is implemented in C with a native configuration
Autodescripted modules tutorial : In the autodescripted modules tutorial, we present how to define and use an autodescripted module
Basic C tutorial : The basic C tutorial is based on the basic C tutorial, but the native module used a configuration
C Java interfacing library : The Java interfacing library models the C library functions for configured C modulesusing JNA
Developing Java modules : This article explains how to develop Java modules in the framework
Distribution options : This article explains the different ways to distribute a framework configuration
Exporting a graph as a graphml diagram : This article is about the export of an architecture graph in the browser as a graphml diagram
External Communication CSharp tutorial : This article is a tutorial which explains how to use the launcher for the External Communication with CSharp
External Communication tutorial : This article is a tutorial which explains how the External Communication can be used
ExternalComm : The built-in External Communication application allows to communicate through UDP or TCP with any external process
ExternalComm launcher : This article explains how to launch an external application in the ExternalComm module
ExternalComm network property : This article explains how to specify the External Communication network property XML file
Framework deployment : This article presents the framework deployment
Framework UDP tutorial : This tutorial reuse the first tutorial, but the two modules are in two different framework instances
FrameworkOwner tutorial : In the FrameworkOwner tutorial, we reuse the implementation of the first tutorial, but we use a FrameworkOwner instead of one of the Modules
Groovy tutorial : The Groovy tutorial is based on the first tutorial, but one of the modules is implemented in Groovy
Groovy tutorial from start : This tutorial is the same as the Groovy tutorial, but without having to do the first tutorial first
Identification : This article presents the naming and identification of elements
Java modules : Java modules are the default modules type
Module interface declaration : This article explains the structure of a Module interface declaration
Namespace tutorial : In the namespace tutorial, we reuse the implementation of the first tutorial, but we define services and types in a namespace
Native configuration specification : This article explains the interfacing configuration of configured C modules
Netbeans configuration : This article explains how to configure netbeans to develop Java modules in the framework
Perfo Logger engine : The perfo Logger is an implementation of the recorder engine interface
Player Application : The built-in Player application allows to replay a scenario recorded by a recorder Application or a External Communication module
Python http modules : Python http modules are Python modules where the associated Python script communicate with the framework using http requests
Python tutorial : The Python tutorial is based on the first tutorial, but one of the modules is implemented in Python
Recorder Application : The built-in Recorder application allows to record in a XML file the content of one or several services subscribed by the application
Recorder JSON file format : This article presents the JSON file format used by the recorder built-in Application
Scripted UA tutorial : This article is a tutorial about developing a Scripted User Application (UA)
Second tutorial : In the second tutorial, we reuse the implementation of the first tutorial, but we create two instances of one module
Third tutorial : The third tutorial is based on the first tutorial, but has a property
Tutorials : This tutorial reuse the first tutorial, but the two modules are in two different framework instances
UA tutorial : This article is a tutorial about developing a particular User Application (UA)
User properties tutorial : This tutorial explains how to specify user properties at the global level, and use them to customize our architecture
UserInputs tutorial : The userInputs tutorial is based on the first tutorial, but the publishModule is replaced by the userInputs built-in application
xulInterface tutorial : This article is a tutorial about developing a XUL interface with Javascript

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