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What links here: Publish Service

Application properties configuration : This article explains how the application properties values are specified in the configuration
Attaching service providers : This article explains the notion of attaching a provider to a Service
C Java interfacing library : The Java interfacing library models the C library functions for configured C modulesusing JNA
Event Service : An Service is a service which handle the sending of valued events from providers to subscribers
Extending a service : It is possible to extend a Service by adding new datas to the existing definition of Service
First tutorial : The first tutorial present the coding and configuration of a very simple system with two modules
Framework properties : This article is about the properties which can be defined in the framework configuration
Groovy modules : Groovy modules are modules which are scripted in the Groovy scripting language
Groovy tutorial from start : This tutorial is the same as the Groovy tutorial, but without having to do the first tutorial first
Java modules : Java modules are the default modules type
Java modules service interface : This article explains how to interface with services in the Java modules implementation
Joystick application : The built-in Joystick application allows to get parameters from a Joystick
Make copies of services : This article explains how to create and use copies of event or publish services
Module interface declaration : This article explains the structure of a Module interface declaration
Module properties configuration : This article explains how the modules properties are defined in the module configuration
Namespace : This article presents the concept of namespaces
Network definition : This article explains how the network communication between Applications is defined
Owner module : The Owner Module is a unique Module which allows the framework to be created and controlled from an external application
Python modules service interface : This article explains how to interface with services in the Python socket modules implementation
Python queues : The behavior of python notification is specified by the pythonQueue element
Python socket modules : Python socket modules are Python modules where the associated Python script use UDP or TCP sockets to communicate with the framework
Scenario Application : The built-in Scenario application allows to execute a scenario defined in an XLSX file
Scenario Application syntax : This article is about the XLSX syntax of the scenario Application
Scripted UA tutorial from start : This tutorial is the same as the Scripted UA tutorial, but without having to do the UA tutorial first
Service : Services are processing units which are provided or required by modules
Service implementation : This article explains how the implementation of Services is specified for Modules
Service interfaces correspondance : This article presents the correspondance between the Service interfaces types and the services
Service providers and subscribers : A module:Providers for one service are modules which are able to invoke this service
Services configuration : This article explains how the services are specified in the configuration
Troubleshooting : Troubleshooting
UpdateCap configuration : This article explains how to use the updateCap properties
xulInterface tutorial : This article is a tutorial about developing a XUL interface with Javascript

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