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xulInterface tutorial

In this tutorial, we will start from the first tutorial and develop the graphical interface in XUL using a XUL Javascript script.


In the first tutorial, we had two modules:
  • The PublishModule module increments or decrements a value cyclically
  • The EventModule module allows to click on a toggle to set if the first module should increment or decrement the value, and shows the value
The EventModule was developed in Java. We will create a XUL file to implement this interface and all the wiring to the framework. The scripting will use a XUL Javascript script.

XML configuration

Services definition

We have two services in a services.xml XML file:
  • The event service carries the state of the toggle button. It is an event Service because the service should only be invoked when the state of the toggle button changes
  • The published service carries the value. It is a publish Service because the service should be invoked cyclically
         <event name="event" id="1" >
            <data name="event" type="bool" />
         <publish name="published" id="2" >
            <data name="value" type="int" />

Types definition

These two services use a very simple types definition. There are only two types:
  • The bool type is a boolean
  • The int type is an int
We define these types in a types.xml XML file:
         <simpleType name="bool" baseType="boolean" />
         <simpleType name="int" baseType="int" />

Applications definition

We define our two applications in an applications.xml XML file:
  • The eventAppli will be implemented by a xulInterface script and will:
    • sends the event service
    • subscribes to the published service
  • The publishAppli only contains the PublishModule. This Module is identical to the one defined in the first tutorial:
    • sends cyclically the published service
    • subscribes to the event service
      <application name="eventAppli">
               <lib url="xulInterface.jar" />
               <module name="xulInterface">
                     <eventSend service="event" attach="attach"/>
                     <subscribe service="published" />
         <application name="publishAppli">
               <lib url="samples1Publish.jar" />
               <module name="PublishModule">
                  <implementation path="org.da.samples.protoframework.publish.PublishModule" >
                     <initEntryPoint method="init" />
                     <defaultReceiveEntryPoint method="subscribe" />
                     <defaultSendEntryPoint method="publish" />
                     <eventReceived service="event"/>
                     <cyclic service="published" frequency="200ms" attach="attach"/>


We need to specify the path of our XUL file (which we still have to specify):
         <application name="xulInterface" >
            <module name="xulInterface" >          
               <moduleProperty key="xul" value="event.xul" />  
               <moduleProperty key="validate" value="true" />  
The event.xul file will contain all our XUL definition.

Specifying the XUL file

We will now specify the event.xul file.

Specifying the interface

The XUL interface must contain two widgets:
  • A button for the toggle button to increment or decrement the step
  • A label for showing the current step value
      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
      <window id="vboxExample" title="Example" width="200" height ="200"
            <button id="button" label="Positive Step" />
            <label id="label" value="0" />

Specifying the script

We will modify our XUl script defined above to implement the Javascript to:
  • Take into account the notification of the published service
  • Notify the event service about the click on the button
Note that the content below present the modifications of our previous script in a yellow highlighting.

      <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
      <window id="vboxExample" title="Example" width="200" height ="200"
            var positive = true;
            function toggle() {   
              positive = !positive;
              if (!positive) {
                document.getElementById("button").label = "Positive Step";
              } else {
                document.getElementById("button").label = "Negative Step";		
              var service = context.getService("event");
            function subscribe(service) {
              var value = service.getData("value").getValueAsInt();      
              document.getElementById("label").value = value;
            <button id="button" label="Positive Step" oncommand="toggle()" />
            <label id="label" value="0" />

Changing the scripting language

The Second xulInterface tutorial explains how to use both XUL Javascript and XUL Groovy scripts.

See also

Categories: builtin-applis | tutorials

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