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XUL controls overview

This article presents an overview of XUL controls.

Top-Level window

Top-Level window
Element Usage Example
window Describes the top-level window
<window id="Test" title="Test XULScripts" orient="horizontal"


Element Usage Example
vbox Vertical box
   <button id="yes" label="Yes"/>
   <button id="no" label="No"/>
hbox Horizontal box
   <button id="yes" label="Yes"/>
   <button id="no" label="No"/>
bbox Horizontal box (same as hbox element)
   <button id="yes" label="Yes"/>
   <button id="no" label="No"/>
box Horizontal or vertical box
<box orient="vertical">
   <button id="yes" label="Yes"/>
   <button id="no" label="No"/>
groupbox Displays a labelled box around other user interface controls
<groupbox orient="vertical">
   <caption label="The options" />
   <button id="yes" label="Yes"/>
   <button id="no" label="No"/>
stack Displays interface controls at specified positions
   <button id="yes" label="Yes" top="50" left="50"/>
   <button id="no" label="No" top="50" left="150" />
tabbox Displays a tabbed pane
<tabbox id="myTabList" selectedIndex="2">
      <tab label="A First tab"/>
      <tab label="Another tab"/>
tabpanel Displaysthe content of a tab under a tabbed pane
<tabbox id="myTabList" selectedIndex="2">
      <tab label="A First tab"/>
      <tab label="Another tab"/>
toolbox The container element holding toolbars
      <toolbarbutton label="Users"/>
      <toolbarbutton label="Groups"/>
toolbar Used to declare a toolbar
     <toolbarbutton label="Users"/>
     <toolbarbutton label="Groups"/>
toolbaritem A wrapper which must be used on a toolbar for elements different from toolbarbutton
   <textbox value="The text" cols="10"/>
menubar Used to declare the menus which will be presented at the top of the window
   <menu label="File">
menu A menu presented at the top of the window
<menu label="Colors">
      <menuitem label="Red"/>
      <menuitem label="Blue"/>
      <menuitem label="Yellow" selected="true"/>
menulist A combobox
<menulist label="Blue" >
      <menuitem label="Red"/>
      <menuitem label="Blue"/>
      <menuitem label="Yellow" selected="true"/>
radiogroup Used when only one of a set of options may be selected at a time
   <radio label="first" />
   <radio label="second" />
   <radio label="third" />


Element Usage Example
label A label
<label id="mylabel" value="This is some text"/>
button A button
<button label="Push Me!"/>
radio A radio button
<radio label="Push Me!"/>
checkbox A checkbox
<checkbox label="Compress Files"/>
textbox An editable textbox
<textbox value="This is some editable text" cols="20"/>
progressmeter A progress bar
<progressmeter value="50" />
listbox A list or table with one or more columns
   <listitem label="Ruby"/>
   <listitem label="Emerald"/>
   <listitem label="Sapphire" selected="true"/>
   <listitem label="Diamond"/>
tree A table with one or more columns. Contrary to the listbox element, the cells can be edited.
      <treecol label="First" />
      <treecol label="Last" />
            <treecell label="Sandra" />
            <treecell label="Bullock" />
scale A slider
<scale max="100" min="0" width="200" pageincrement="20"/>
scrollbar A scrollbar
<scale max="100" min="0" width="200" pageincrement="20"/>
tab Specified the text and/or icon of a tab under a tabbox element
<tabbox id="myTabList" selectedIndex="2">
      <tab label="A First tab"/>
      <tab label="Another tab"/>
menuitem A menu item in a menu or a menulist
      <menuitem label="Red"/>
      <menuitem label="Blue"/>
      <menuitem label="Yellow" selected="true"/>
menuseparator A separator in a menu
      <menuitem label="Red"/>
      <menuitem label="Blue"/>
      <menuitem label="Yellow" selected="true"/>
toolbarbutton A button that is displayed on a toolbar
<toolbarbutton image="play.gif" />
image An image
<image src="hellfire.jpg" width="50" height="50" />
filefield A file selector
<filefield extensions="xul" type="file" />

Utility elements

Utility elements
Element Usage Example
spacer An invisible element setting a specified space between two controls
<spacer height="5px" />
toolbarspacer An invisible element setting a specified space between two controls in a toolbar
<toolbarspacer width="5px" />
caption Used to set a label for the parent element
<caption label="Answer"/>

See also

Categories: builtin-applis

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