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Styling XUL widgets

The library allows a limited capability to style widgets using CSS[1]
This is a capability of XUL

There are two attributes to control style on widgets which have a graphics representation:
  • class: the CSS style classes of the element
  • style: the CSS style of the element
These attribures work exactly as in standard HTML.

Note that if these attributes are not present for a XUL widget, the widget will have the default representation.

Class attribute

The CSS style classes of the element are defined through the class attribute for each XUL widget. For example:
      <label value="The text" class="red boxed"/>

Style attribute

As in standard HTML, the style attribute allows to define inline style properties which will override those defined through CSS. For example:
      <button label="button" style="background-color: yellow;" />

Specifying a CSS file

The CSS file is specified through the xml-stylesheet processing instruction. For example:
      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <?xml-stylesheet href="myCSS.css" type="text/css"?>

      <window title="Example" width="200" height ="200"

Supported CSS properties

A limited list of CSS properties are supported. These properties are:
  • "background-color": the background color of the widget
  • "color": the foreground color of the widget
  • "font-size": the size of the font
  • "font-family": the font family of the font
  • "font-style": the font style of the font. Only normal and italic values are supported
  • "font-weight": the font weight of the font. Only normal and bold values are supported
  • "text-align": the text alignment of the widget
  • "vertical-align": the vertical alignment of the widget
  • "border-style": the border style of the widget
  • "border-width": the border width of the widget
  • "border-color": the border color of the widget
  • "border-radius": the radius of the border for the widget
  • "inset": the insets of the widget

Colors definition

Colors are defined in standard CSS format. For example:
  • color: red;
  • color: #DDDDDD;

Inset definition

The insets definition specifies the offsets for an element raltive to the other elements in the following order:
  • top
  • right
  • bottom
  • left
Note that this property can also be used with less than 4 values:
  • With only one value: specifies both the top, right, bottom and left to this same value
  • With 2 values: specifies the top / bottom and right/left values in this order
  • With 3 values: specifies the top, right/left, and bottom values in this order
For example:
        .button {
          inset: 10px 10px 10px 10px;

Borders definition

The "border-style" property support the following values:
  • solid: a solid border
  • dashed: a dashed border
  • dotted: a dotted border
  • outset: an outset border
  • inset: an inset border
The "border-color" property allows to specify the color of the border.

The "border-width" property allows to specify the thickness of the border.

The "border-radius" property allows to specify the radius of the border.


Example with StyleClass

Suppose that we want to style a label where:
  • The background of the label is yellow
  • The size of the font is 24 pt
  • The font is bold
We can have the following XUL script:
        <?xml-stylesheet href="myCSS.css" type="text/css"?>
        <window title="Example 3" width="200" height ="200" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
            <label id="mylabel" value="This is some text" class="label" />
            <button label="button" class="button" />
And the following myCSS.css CSS file:
        .button {
          font-size: 24px;
          font-weight: bold;
          background-color: yellow;        

Example with style attribute

In this second use case, we have the same result as for the first example, but the background of the label is defined by a style attribute, rather than with the styleclass:
        <?xml-stylesheet href="myCSS.css" type="text/css"?>
        <window title="Example 3" width="200" height ="200" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
            <label id="mylabel" value="This is some text" class="label" />
            <button label="button" class="button" style="background-color: yellow;" />
And the following myCSS.css CSS file:
        .button {
          font-size: 24px;
          font-weight: bold;


  1. ^ This is a capability of XUL

See also

Categories: builtin-applis

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