elements. Each record element represents one record, which is a list of services received at one instant.
, for a time expressed in milliseconds since the start of the framework.<record time="639"> <service name="clock" uri=""> <data name="time" value="1014"/> </service> </record>
<service name="clock" uri=""> <data name="time" value="1014"/> </service>Note that:
value will not have a value
or hexValue
attribute<scenario date="2020:06:03 18:22:10" endianness="littleEndian" charAs8Bits="true" > <record time="31"> <service name="service1" > <buffer size="34" data="000DA666000000005235101C01000001727AFD762F00000000000000000A00000001" /> </service> </record> </scenario>
attribute. This representation will be used for datas of a simple type if the recorder Application writeSimpleValues
property is set to truenull
value will not have a value
or hexValue
attribute<service name="aircraftAttitudes"> <data name="HRS" value="9144.0"/> <data name="V_VZH" value="true"/> </service> <service name="SendLocalizations"> <data name="currentLocalizations" hexValue="C027EB66"/> </service>
<scenario date="20200205"> <record time="639"> <service name="clock" uri=""> <data name="time" value="1014"/> </service> </record> <record time="1653"> <service name="clock" uri=""> <data name="time" value="2028"/> </service> </record> <record time="2667"> <service name="clock" uri=""> <data name="time" value="3042"/> </service> </record> </scenario>
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