element for an object
specifies that the object depends on other objects. This indicates that if your module adds the element to your Ontology, the Jena module will wait until the elements on which it depends have been added to effectively perform the add.flightplan
object depends on the waypoint
object:<object name="flightplan" className="FlightPlan"> <dataProperty name="label" property="Label" isName="true"/> <property name="waypoint" eltRef="waypoint" property="hasWaypoint" inverseProperty="isWaypointFrom" cardinality="unbound" inverseCardinality="one" /> <dependencies> <dependency dependsOn="waypoint" /> </dependencies> </object>
object depends on the waypoint
object depends on the flightplan
and waypoint
attribute on the dependencies
element:<object name="track" className="Aircraft"> <geometry /> <dataProperty name="label" property="Label" isName="true"/> <dependencies behavior="discard"> <dependency dependsOn="flightplan" /> <dependency dependsOn="waypoint" /> </dependencies> </object>
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