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Jena ontology creation and update

There are several ways to create and update an ontology model using the Jena module:
  • Using several set services to create or update each instance and property one by one. This is the default way to perform model updates, but it can be relatively complex and the overall performance is not very good if a lot of creations or updates have to be done
  • Performing updates in a batch. The performance of this model of operation is much better than the default one
  • Mapping a model to the associated Owl classes. This last method builds upong the batch update but simplify the correspondance


Using several set services

This method uses several set services to create or update each instance and property one by one. The associated services are:
  • addInstance: add an instance to an Ontology
  • addPropertyToInstance: add a property to an instance to an Ontology
  • addDataPropertyToInstance: add a Data property to an instance to an Ontology
  • addInverseProperty: allows to add an inverse property to an Ontology

Performing updates in a batch

Main Article: Jena batch operations

Performing updates in a batch uses the following associated service:
  • http://dassault-aviation.com/jena:applyOperations: this service allows to chain a list of update or creation operations in the underlying database in only one transaction

Mapping a model to the associated Owl classes

Main Article: Jena model mapping

See also

Categories: builtin-applis

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