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The METAR encodes the current meteo on a station (for example an airport). The TAF encodes a prevision of this same meteo.

METAR and TAF content
METAR TAF Parameter METAR example Decoded METAR TAF example Decoded TAF
X X GMT time 171100Z Published at 11 h on the 17th of the month 171100Z Published at 11 h on the 17th of the month
X - Created automatically AUTO Created automatically - -
X X Wind speed 27010G25KT Wind 270 degrees force 10 knots, maximum force 25 knots 27010G25KT Wind 270 degrees force 10 knots, maximum force 25 knots
X X Wind direction 27010G25KT Wind 270 degrees force 10 knots, maximum force 25 knots 27010G25KT Wind 270 degrees force 10 knots, maximum force 25 knots
X X Clouds OVC Overcast OVC Overcast
X X Atmospheric temperature 17/15 Temperature 17 degrees, dew point 15 degrees TX10/2612Z TNM01/2706Z Maximum temperature 10 degrees at 12 h on the 26th day of the month, minimum temperature -1 degree at 6 h on the 27th day of the month
X - Dew point 27010G25KT Wind 270 degrees force 10 knots, maximum force 25 knots - -
X X Visibility 4000 4000 meters 4000 4000 meters
X - Relative humidity[1]
Computed with the temperature and dew point
17/15 Temperature 17 degrees, dew point 15 degrees - -
X X Sea level pressure Q1015 QNH 1015 Hpa Q1015 QNH 1015 Hpa
X X Wind shear WS RW36 Wind shear on runway 36 WS010/18040KT Low level wind shear at 1000 feet wind 180 degrees at 40 knots
X X Meteorological phenomenons TS thunderstorm TS thunderstorm
- X Validity period - - 1712/1812 Valid from 12 h on the 17th of month to 12 h on 18th of month


  1. ^ Computed with the temperature and dew point

See also

Categories: builtin-applis

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