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Sphynx Application

Function wraps the Sphynx Java speech recognition library
Distribution SphynxModule-bin-.zip
Jar files SphynxModule.jar
Modules sphynx
Namespace http://dassault-aviation.com/sphynx

Provided services http://dassault-aviation.com/sphynx:sentence

Required services http://dassault-aviation.com/sphynx:startTalk

Mandatory properties acousticmodel

Optional properties pushToTalk

The built-in Sphynx application wraps the Sphynx Java speech recognition library.


The Sphynx Application has several properties.

Mandatory properties

The Sphynx Application must have either:
  • The "lang" property specifying the built-in language model to use
  • The "acousticmodel", "languagemodel", and "dictionary" properties specifying specific models to use
The models which must be set for the wrapped Sphynx library are[1]
They are either set automatically it the built-in "lang" property is set, or explicitly for each parameter with the "acousticmodel", "languagemodel", and "dictionary" properties
  • The acoustic model directory for the speech recognition
  • The language model for the speech recognition
  • The dictionary model for the speech recognition

lang property

The "lang" property specifies one of the default built-in language models to use. It will set automatically the following models:
  • The acoustic model directory for the speech recognition
  • The language model for the speech recognition
  • The dictionary model for the speech recognition
There are two possible values for this property:
  • "fr" for the French built-in language models
  • "en-us" for the en-US built-in language models
         <application name="sphynx" >
            <module name="sphynx" >
               <moduleProperty key="lang" value="en-us" />

Explicit model properties

The "acousticmodel", "languagemodel", and "dictionary" properties specifying specific models to use:
  • "acousticmodel": the acoustic model directory for the speech recognition
  • "languagemodel": the language model for the speech recognition
  • "dictionary": the dictionary model for the speech recognition
         <application name="sphynx" >
            <module name="sphynx" >
               <moduleProperty key="acousticmodel" value="my/acousticmodel/" />
               <moduleProperty key="languagemodel" value="my/languagemodel.bin" />
               <moduleProperty key="dictionary" value="my/dictionnary.dict" />

Optional properties

  • The "pushToTalk" property specifies if the module will have a "Push to talk" behavior. See Push to talk for more information
  • The "grammar" property specifies an additionnal grammar to use


See the following file for the detailed description of the Services.

Required services

The Sphynx application requires two event Services, if the "pushToTalk" property is set to true:
  • http://dassault-aviation.com/sphynx:startTalk: This service is used to indicate the start of a sentence
  • http://dassault-aviation.com/sphynx:endTalk: This service is used to indicate the end of a sentence

Provided services

The Sphynx application provides one event Service:
  • http://dassault-aviation.com/sphynx:sentence: This service provides the last decoded sentence

Push to talk

The "pushToTalk" property specifies if the module will have a "Push to talk" behavior:
  • If this property is set to false (the default value), the module will invoke the http://dassault-aviation.com/sphynx:sentence as soon as he decoded a sentence
  • If this property is set to true, the module will invoke the http://dassault-aviation.com/sphynx:sentence after it has been notified by a http://dassault-aviation.com/sphynx:endTalk service, if he decoded something
If "pushToTalk" is not set, or set to false:
If "pushToTalk" is set to true:


  1. ^ They are either set automatically it the built-in "lang" property is set, or explicitly for each parameter with the "acousticmodel", "languagemodel", and "dictionary" properties

See also

Categories: builtin-applis

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