The service complete name (name and namespace if it has a namespace or only the name if the service has no namespace)
For each notification, the viewer shows:
icon showing that the event is a notification
The time of the notification (ie the time of the notification as seen in input of the module which was notified)
The corresponding id of the invocation which is at the origin of this notification
The service complete name (name and namespace if it has a namespace or only the name if the service has no namespace)
The module which emitted the corresponding invocation
The module which received the notification
For each notification from another framework instance through the network, the viewer shows:
icon showing that the event is a notification
The time of the socket reception
The service complete name (name and namespace if it has a namespace or only the name if the service has no namespace)
Note that if a service invocation notifies more than one module, then more than one notification will be seen for one invocation.
A Search button allows to search events in the log, possibly filtered by their service or module:
Actions on the events panel
Right clicking on a row will shows an invocation will present the following menu:
"Select Time From": Select the time beginning by this event
"Select Time To": Select the time ending with this event[1]
Only available after selecting "Select Time From" before
. A popup window appear showing the time between the two selected time events. For example:
"Select Sequence From": Select the sequence beginning by this event
"Select Sequence To": Select the sequence ending with this event[2]
Only available after selecting "Select Sequence From" before
"Select All Sequence": Select the whole sequence of events
Right clicking on a row will shows a notification will present the following menu:
"Select Time From": Select the time beginning by this event
"Select Time To": Select the time ending with this event[1]
Only available after selecting "Select Time From" before
. A popup windows appear showing the time between the two selected time events
"Select Sequence From": Select the sequence beginning by this event
"Select Sequence To": Select the sequence ending with this event[2]
Only available after selecting "Select Sequence From" before
"Select All Sequence": Select the whole sequence of events
Creating a sequence diagram
After having performed "Select Sequence To" or "Select All Sequence", the corresponding events are highlighted in green:
A popup window allows to filter what will be kept in the sequence:
It is possible to filter which services will be shown in the diagram
It is possible to filter which modules will be shown in the diagram
After clicking on "Yes", a diagram appear showing the associated sequence diagram:
Sequence diagrams with network communication
Invocations and notifications to and from another framework instance through the network are also shown in the sequance diagrams:
Working with a sequence diagram
The sequence diagram can be saved in png or svg. It can also be cropped to show a part of the sequence. Validating the crop will synchronize the logger view to the cropped diagram.
^[1][2] Only available after selecting "Select Time From" before
^[1][2] Only available after selecting "Select Sequence From" before
See also
Perfo Logger engine: The perfo Logger is an implementation of the recorder engine interface