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Network configuration

The Network configuration specifies how the modules communicate through the Network. Note that:
  • If two modules are in the same application, they are in the same JVM and share their datas
  • If two modules are managed by the same framework instance but are on different applications, they can communicate directly though the framework or through the Network
  • If two modules are managed by different framework instances, they will communicate through the Network

Having a Network configuration is only useful if you have several framework instances communicating through UDP or TCP. If all your modules are in one instance of the framework, you don't need a network configuration.


See the grammar for the Network schema.

Network configuration structure

Main Article: Network definition

The Network configuration has:
  • One optional defaults child, specifying some default communication parameters
  • Several channel children, specifying the communication Channels to and from this framework instance

defaults definition

The defaults element specifies the default configuration for Channels communication queuing:
  • The defaultChannelSize specifies the default size for Channels allocated sockets
  • The defaultOutputQueue specifies the default queuing for output services (that is services which are sent from this framework instance to another framework instance)
  • The defaultInputQueue specifies the default queuing for input services (that is services which are sent from another framework instance to this framework instance)
The default value for the defaultChannelSize element if it is not specified is 1000. The default values for the defaultOutputQueue and defaultInputQueue elements if they are not specified is 10.

channel definition

Each channel element specifying the communication Channels to or from this framework instance.
  • An input Channel is an UDP or TCP communication from another framework instance. The stream will send content from services coming from the other frame instance to this framework instance
  • An output Channel is an UDP or TCP communication to another framework instance. The stream will send content from services from thisr frame instance to the other framework instance
Each channel has the following attributes:
  • The type attribute specifies if the Channel is an input or an output channel (the default is the localhost)
  • The port attribute specifies the port of the Channel
  • The optional host attribute specifies the host of the Channel (the default is the localhost)
  • The optional protocol attribute specifies the protocol used by the Channel (the default is udp)
  • The size attribute specifies the size of the Channel allocated socket (the default is the defaultChannelSize)
Each channel has any number of service children specifying the services which will be exchanged through the Channel. each Service has a name and optionnaly an uri for the Service namespace.

Channels communication queuing

It is possible to queue the channels input or output communication to specify that the content of the buffers must be enqueued in a FIFO queue which will be processed one buffer at a time.

See also

Categories: config

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