: (mandatory) the prefixes for the OWL queryowlNS
: (mandatory) the namespaces for the OWL querydefaultNS
: (optional) the default namespaceprefix
: (optional) an additional array of prefix / namespacesprefix
declarations for your SPARQL requests. The module will automatically add these declarations at the beginning of your requests, depending on the module namespace properties.<properties> <application name="jena" > <module name="jena" > <moduleArrayGroupProperty key="schemas"> <moduleArrayValue> <moduleProperty key="name" value="pizza" /> <moduleProperty key="owlSchema" value="pizza.owl" /> <moduleProperty key="prefixNS" value="pizza:" /> <moduleProperty key="owlNS" value="" /> </moduleArrayValue> </moduleArrayGroupProperty> </module> </application> </properties>If you set the following owlRequest query:
SELECT ?pizza WHERE { ?pizza a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ?restriction. ?restriction owl:onProperty pizza:hasTopping ; owl:someValuesFrom pizza:PeperoniSausageTopping }The effective request sent to the engine will be:
prefix pizza: <> prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix xsd: <> prefix fn: <> prefix owl: <> SELECT ?pizza WHERE { ?pizza a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ?restriction. ?restriction owl:onProperty pizza:hasTopping ; owl:someValuesFrom pizza:PeperoniSausageTopping } S ELECT ?pizza WHERE { ? prefix owl: < prefix fn: < prefix xsd: < prefix rdfs: <> prefix rdf: <>
property. For example, with the following properties declaration:<properties> <application name="jena" > <module name="jena" > <moduleArrayGroupProperty key="schemas"> <moduleArrayValue> <moduleProperty key="name" value="pizza" /> <moduleProperty key="owlSchema" value="pizza.owl" /> <moduleProperty key="prefixNS" value="pizza:" /> <moduleProperty key="defaultNS" value="" /> <moduleProperty key="owlNS" value="" /> </moduleArrayValue> </moduleArrayGroupProperty> </module> </application> </properties>If you set the following owlRequest query:
SELECT ?pizza WHERE { ?pizza a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ?restriction. ?restriction owl:onProperty pizza:hasTopping ; owl:someValuesFrom pizza:PeperoniSausageTopping }The effective request sent to the engine will be:
prefix pizza: <> prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix xsd: <> prefix fn: <> prefix owl: <> prefix xmlns: <> SELECT ?pizza WHERE { ?pizza a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ?restriction. ?restriction owl:onProperty pizza:hasTopping ; owl:someValuesFrom pizza:PeperoniSausageTopping } S ELECT ?pizza WHERE { ?pizza a owl:Class ; prefix xmlns: < prefix owl: < prefix fn: < prefix xsd: < prefix rdfs: <> prefix rdf: <>
for the geosparql
property, the namespaces associated with the Geosparql vocabulary will be added:prefix geo: <> prefix unit: <> prefix uom: <> prefix geof: <"> prefix geof: < prefix uom: < prefix unit: <
for the owlTime
property, the namespace associated with the owl-time vocabulary will be added:prefix time: <>
property. For example, with the following properties declaration:<properties> <application name="jena" > <module name="jena" > <moduleArrayGroupProperty key="schemas"> <moduleArrayValue> <moduleProperty key="name" value="pizza" /> <moduleProperty key="owlSchema" value="pizza.owl" /> <moduleProperty key="prefixNS" value="pizza:" /> <moduleArrayProperty key="prefix"> <value value="p1 http://my/prefix/prefix1.owl#" /> <value value="p2 http://my/prefix/prefix2.owl#" /> </moduleArrayProperty> </moduleArrayValue> </moduleArrayGroupProperty> </module> </application> </properties>If you set the following owlRequest query:
SELECT ?pizza WHERE { ?pizza a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ?restriction. ?restriction owl:onProperty pizza:hasTopping ; owl:someValuesFrom pizza:PeperoniSausageTopping }The effective request sent to the engine will be:
prefix pizza: <> prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix xsd: <> prefix fn: <> prefix owl: <> prefix p1: <http://my/prefix/prefix1.owl#> prefix p2: <http://my/prefix/prefix2.owl#> SELECT ?pizza WHERE { ?pizza a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ?restriction. ?restriction owl:onProperty pizza:hasTopping ; owl:someValuesFrom pizza:PeperoniSausageTopping } S ELECT ?pizza WHERE { prefix p2: <http://my/prefix/prefix2 prefix p1: <http://my/prefix/prefix1.o prefix owl: < prefix fn: < prefix xsd: < prefix rdfs: <> prefix rdf: <>
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