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Release history before OpenSourcing

This article presents the history of the releases of the tool before it was Open Sourced.

Version 0.1

Initial release.

Version 0.2

  • Put the UAAppli classes under the org.da.protoframework.uappli package
  • Put the joystick classes under the org.da.protoframework.joystick package
  • Put the Ivy classes under the org.da.protoframework.ivy package
  • Put the scenarioEngine classes under the org.da.protoframework.scenario package
  • Removed the duplicated samples framework project

Version 0.3

  • Add a new "objectType" type for types corresponding to a serializable class
  • Emit a clean error when a timeOut is not present in the XML file for a request implementation
  • Avoid to throw a NullPointerException if a RequestResponse service has not providers
  • Fix some cases where the communication for requestResponse services was not working
  • Allow to set directly the value of an enum data with the name of the state
  • Parse the description for datas
  • Add a new userInputs built-in application
  • Fix the parsing of both propertyGroup and propertyChoice siblings in a module definition which failed
  • Add the concept of property arrays
  • Use MDIUtilities 0.9.24
  • Add a new Jena built-in application, which leverage the Jena ontology framework
  • Fix the key type for maps which was incorrect
  • Add an ability for types to return a String value of a data value of this type
  • Add forgotten specs XML files for the built-in projects
  • Allow a Module to be subscribed to its own provided Services
  • Use Netty 4.1.15
  • Management of complex types in scenarios
  • Fix the state value being set incorrectly when set through the state name
  • Use groovy 2.4.12
  • Add the "xml" data type
  • Allow not to set a Java Module ID if the implementation already has an ID
  • Allow to set a different Java Module ID from the implementation already specified ID
  • Fix some propertyChecker errors when an entire group is empty
  • Fix a bug which lead to an UAApplication with several UAs configured by XML to be improperly configured
  • Use mxGraph 3.7.5
  • Use JNA 4.5.0
  • Allow to instanciate and control the framework by external Java code

Version 0.4

  • Add methods in the Data, the type classes, and ServiceInstance classes to get the value of a Data as a structure
  • Add new methods in the FunctionalUA and ScriptHelper classes to get the value of a Data an Object, an array, or a structure
  • Add a new method in the FunctionalUA and Script classes to be called when a push Service is called cyclically by the framework
  • Use MDIUtilities 0.9.26
  • Use docGenerator 0.76
  • Take into account the from and to unit when converting from Degrees to Radians. The conversion in the same unit is taken into account
  • The javadoc don't contain the types classes
  • If we define in the ScenarioEngine module an array of structure, in some cases the value for one field is decrementing whereas it should not
  • Add an heart rate icon to the ScenarioEngine

Version 0.5

  • Use docGenerator 0.87
  • Fix some jars not released within the bin release
  • Allows to quote string values in the ScenarioEngine
  • Allows to parse numeric values as string for string datas in the ScenarioEngine
  • Allows to not define IDs for Applications, Modules, and Services. In these cases, IDs are automatically generated
  • Add a new "listen" type for reception of Services
  • Allow to set that an interpolable value in a scenario has not changed by putting a "-" (dash) in the corresponding cell
  • Protect the framework against some kind of initialization errors in modules
  • Show Framework exceptions for Modules initialization and subscriptions in the console rather than on the command-line
  • Protect the UAApplication module against badly defined configuration
  • Fix cases where the reuse of the same application several times would lead to errors emitted by the applications parser
  • Use mxGraph 3.7.6

Version 0.6

  • Fix a case where not having an ID for an application would lead to an error when parsing the application configuration
  • Don't emit an exception when parsing a configuration if a service interface is declared at the application jar level and at the general level
  • Add a start method in the FrameworkOwner interface
  • Add a resetAfterSend attribute for "eventSend" services implementations to allow not to reset the values after sending the Service
  • Take into account the timeout value for requestResponse services
  • Allow to set a specific entryPoint for subscription services in groovy
  • Add a feature in the browser allowing to generate the complete interface for one module
  • Use docGenerator 0.94
  • Use MDIUtilities 0.9.35
  • Allow to use entry points for UAs
  • Fix the creation of the URLClassLoaders which did not use in the argument the parent ClassLoader, making the Framwork not working correctly when using JNI
  • Add the "tr" unit for angles
  • Allow to set a description ("desc" element) for every types and fields
  • Fix the UDP or TCP communication not working for types of arrays of structure fields which are structures
  • Add the "union" type
  • Allow to set a maximum size for array types
  • Allow to set a maximum length for String types
  • Add the concept of anonymous types
  • Add the nil type
  • Add the aliasType type
  • Fix the impossibility to set specifically one method to subscribe to one service for a User Application
  • Add methods in the Data and Type classes to compare two values of the specified type
  • Add the "deg360" unit for angles
  • Fix some cases where the unit conversion was incorrect
  • Allow to use a different application name when instanciating an application type
  • Add an External Communication module to communicate with external applications through UDP or TCP
  • Handle all types of datas (including complex types of any level of declaration) in the userInputs module

Version 0.6.1

  • UAApplication: Fix the hasChanged() method for the Funtional UAs which thrown an exception if used specifically for one service
  • Protect the getDataValuexxx() methods for all types of datas in the framework from the cases where the data did not exist
  • Use MDIUtilities 0.9.36
  • Use MDIFramework 0.7.16
  • userInputs: fix some NPEs when using the module with arrays or structures

Version 0.6.2

  • Fix some problems when detecting if a Data has changed
  • Change by default the behavior for sending events: by default the values are not reset after sending
  • Change to getStringValue() method for the enumerations to return the state name if possible
  • Add methods to get the value of a type or a structure field in a specified unit
  • UAApplication: Fix the connected() method sent twice at start to UAs
  • userInputs: show the enumerations values with the state value if possible
  • userInputs: fix the value of provider event services datas which was incorrect after invoking the Service
  • userInputs: fix the text for String values incorrectly shown in the table for structure fields
  • Use MDIFramework 0.7.17
  • Use MDIUtilities 0.9.40
  • Fix some cases where setting an array value for an index would not effectively set the value
  • Add a new way to set the value for complex datas and types by using annotated classes
  • Improve the way the logs (including log errors) are presented in the logger area
  • Fix possible exceptions when logging long stack traces for errors in the logger area
  • Add a new "logMaximumLines" property for the configuration

Version 0.6.3

  • Add two new Services to the Jena module to add an instance or an instance property
  • Better check the xml content of the framework files
  • Allow to parse correctly XLSX scenarios if there is no header line in the XLSX file
  • Add a general framework property to allow a publish pythonModule.py or request-response service to have more than one provider at the same time
  • Fix cases where an exception will occur when settings properties with an Owner module
  • Use groovy 2.4.15
  • Avoid to throw an exception if trying to get a non existing Service from a Module
  • Avoid to throw an exception if trying to get a non existing Data from a Service
  • Add two new properties available for any Module: allServices.updateCap, and publishServices.updateCap. These properties allow to set an update cap on the sending of Services
  • Allow to add dots in the name of a Module property
  • Allow a general logFile property to allow to log the logs to a File
  • Use Netty 4.1.23
  • Absolute paths are not accepted for groovy or python scripts
  • Allow to define a start method for Python scripts

Version 0.6.4

  • The generation of the Python scripts library does not work
  • The python executable does not see the pythonModule.py script if the python script is not in the same directory as the framework
  • Allow to specify the name of the python class in Python modules
  • Allow to define an init method for Python scripts
  • When there is Strings sent or received by a Python script, the content is not correctly parsed if there is a semicolon in the String
  • Allow to change the value separator in Python scripts
  • Add a type for URLs
  • Use docGenerator 1.2.2
  • Use MDIUtilities 0.9.43
  • J661 update for UAApplication

Version 0.6.5

  • Allow to declare the use of environment variables in the properties
  • Use Netty 4.1.25
  • Unicode characters used as separator between Java and Python modules are not working
  • Allow to generate a Python 3 library for the Python modules
  • Use Groovy 2.5.0
  • Use MDIUtilities 0.9.44
  • Use JNA 4.5.1
  • Use the last version of userInputs in the Jena samples

Version 0.6.6

  • Fix the echo and err methods in the pythonUtils script
  • Allow to have a specific Python runtime declared for a Python module
  • Add a ability to specify environment properties for Python modules
  • Make sure the framework is shutdown when the close button of the console is clicked
  • Dispose the GUI window if the close button of the userInput window is clicked rather than performing a System.exit()
  • Use MDIUtilities 0.9.45

Version 0.6.7

  • Change the Python scripts to have only one set of utility scripts, valid for both Python 2.x and Python 3.x
  • Add timeouts for the Python scripts start and initialization, and wait for the associated methods to finish, to cope with scripts which need a lot of time to initialize
  • Fix setting the value of a structure Data not updating correctly the hasChanged() property for this Data
  • Add a json library
  • Allow to exchange structures with Python modules
  • Allow to exchange arrays with Python modules

Version 0.6.8

  • The construction of structures in Python 3 is bugged in the pythonUtils script
  • The parsing for waitAtInit and waitAtStart for the Python implementation is incorrect when the duration is expressed in seconds
  • Add a Python script version number for the Java Python module and the Python script to be sure that the correct Python scripts are used
  • Show a clear error if the socket used for Python scripts is already used
  • Avoid possible cases where one argument used to call the Python script is null
  • Allow to call the framework from the browser
  • If a path to a Python executable does not exist, indicate it clearly
  • It is not possible to execute more than one Python module in the framework
  • Emit a clear exception if the Python script does not start because it could not be "compiled"
  • Add a "debugScript" global property to be able to debug more easily Groovy or Python scripts
  • Allow to force the "debugScript" global property in the command-line and also when starting the framework thoruhg the browser
  • Use JEditor 0.4.19
  • Use official MDIUtilities 0.9.45

Version 0.6.9

  • Allow to debug UAApplication groovy scripts
  • Add two utilities to update the python library scripts and python runtime properties for the Unit tests
  • Use MDIFramework 0.7.23
  • Use official MDIUtilities update 0.9.45
  • Explain in the wiki how to define the netbeans project for modules tutorials
  • It is not possible to subscribe to more than one service in a Python module
  • Remove the PYTHONHOME environment property when launching a Python process because it can lead to errors

Version 0.6.10-Beta-1

  • Use Netty 4.1.28
  • We should not decode a string in Python if the string is empty
  • The decoding of the Python version is incorrect
  • The decoding of Python strings is incorrect for Python 27 executables
  • Allow ScenarioEngine to handle csv files
  • The ScenarioEngine uses a LOT of memory when parsing large XSLX files
  • ScenarioEngine time unit should accept float values
  • Add a ServiceMerger built-in module
  • Use Groovy 2.5.2
  • Use JSON library 1.2
  • Allow the python module to send arrays and struct of arrays
  • Add a new dict type

Version 0.6.10-Beta-2

  • Use Netty 4.1.29
  • Add support for the "knot" speed unit
  • Add support for the "deg180" angle unit
  • Add support for the "mrd" angle unit
  • Fix the default value for number non int simple types which were int
  • Fix the scenario module not taking into account event or request/response output services
  • Fix the units conversion from m/s units not taken into account
  • Add a tudiScenario built-in module which is able to read a TUDI scenario
  • Add a way to call cyclically a method for a Java module without invoking a Service automatically
  • Add a way to call cyclically a method for a UAApplications without invoking a Service automatically

Version 0.6.10-Beta-3

  • Use Netty 4.1.30. This version should provide a huge performance boost when using sockets
  • Fix the encoding and decoding of chars in the ExternalComm module

Version 0.6.10

  • There is an error in the Framework when the id for a Python, Groovy, or Cpp module is not defined
  • Add the capability to specify properties units
  • Fix an exception when there is no uaconfig for the UAApplication
  • Add a "showLibVersion" framework property to allow to show the version of applications
  • Allow to show the version of UA Applications if the "showLibVersion" framework property is set to true
  • Add a version to the UAApplication, ExternalComm, ScenarioEngine, tudiEngine, uaCAS, and userInputs applications
  • Use the patched of J661 for the UAApplication application to fix the parsing of negative positions for displays

Version 0.6.11

  • Support pause in the ScenarioEngine
  • Support pause in the tudiScenario
  • Show a clear error message rather than throwing a Java exception if the value of a data is not defined for the first time step in the ScenarioEngine
  • Use MDIUtilities update 0.9.48
  • Allow to not specify the ports and port sizes for python modules
  • Use Groovy 2.5.4
  • Use JNA 5.0.0
  • Use JEditor 0.4.23
  • Use MDIUtilities 0.9.49
  • wiki: Use docGenerator 1.3.10
  • Use Netty 4.1.32
  • Add methods in the DataUtilities class to get a field value for a specified data type
  • Fix the reception of services without datas in Python modules
  • wiki: Separate the private built-in modules from those which could be public
  • Fix the test categories not enforced in the JUnit tests
  • Add a new optional attribute for numeric datas, fields and union members to define that they are continuous
  • Allow to have a separate ARINC 661 configuration for the ARINC661 Client and Server for the UAApplication
  • Add a configuration in the ExternalComm module to specify if chars must be encoded in 8 bits or 16 bits
  • Fix the encoding and decoding of Strings in the ExternalComm module
  • Add a new method in Datas, fields, and Union members identifying if it is a numeric value
  • Improve the speed of reading a scenario in the ScenarioEngine application
  • Fix the ExternalComm application no able to read more than 2048 bytes for the UDP protocol
  • Allow the Network channels to read more than 2048 bytes in the framework
  • Fix the endNotify being called before the notification for all the datas in Services subscriptions for the C modules
  • UAApplication: There is an exception preventing to start the Server if using the last main J661 version
  • Add several methods to facilitate data manipulation

Version 0.6.12

  • wiki: Use docGenerator 1.3.11
  • Use Groovy 2.5.6
  • Use Netty 4.1.34
  • Support event services in the ScenarioEngine
  • Add an autoStart property in the ScenarioEngine
  • Add the Version tag which was forgotten in the manifest of the FXPlus module
  • Show the version for the framework if showLibVersion is true
  • Add a helper application in the tests to check the versions of modules
  • When there are a lot of calls to public void send(ServiceInstance, char) in the MemoryProtocol class, we may have NPE in the "notified" method
  • If there are no properties for one application/module, or several times the same property for one module, there should be a warning
  • Change the name of the Service method which return the ServiceDefinition from to getServiceDefinition() to getDefinition()
  • Add the notion of Custom Module types
  • Add several new services for the Jena module, as defined during the MMT ontologies prototyping

Version 0.6.13

  • wiki: Use docGenerator 1.4.10
  • Use Netty 4.1.41
  • Use MDIUtilities 0.9.59
  • Add the capability to include portions of XML documents in the configuration
  • ScenarioEngine: Allow to pop-up the Scenario parsing errors in a specific window rather than in the Framework Logging area
  • ScenarioEngine: Check if a data in a scenario is defined twice
  • Change the location of the Python 2.7 version for the Unit tests
  • ScenarioEngine: allow to return a service giving the ticks of the scenario
  • Explain the usage of the "end" entryPoint
  • Add the JSON data type
  • Don't allow to invoke a Service before the start of the Module
  • Add a log level to the logging system
  • Improve the userInputs UI by putting the "invoke" button under the datas
  • Fix some cases where some datas could not be modified in the userInputs
  • Fix an erroneous error message which would appear in the console if several userInputs modules exist in the framework
  • Add the concept of namespaces
  • ScenarioEngine: emit a clear error rather than a NPE if some ticks are missing on the tick line
  • ScenarioEngine: emit a clear error when the declaration of a data is incorrect
  • Fix the start() method of a module not called if the module does not susbcribe to any service, and no module is detected as a subscriber for which this module is a provider
  • UAApplication: use J661 1.7.2

Version 0.6.14-Beta-1

  • Use MDIUtilities 1.2.2
  • Use Netty 4.1.42
  • Allow to define several filelists for the framework configuration
  • ScenarioEngine: Add the presentation of the current file name
  • ScenarioEngine: Support the setScenario service
  • ScenarioEngine: Fix the ticks field not updated if clicking to perform one step
  • Add a method in the ServiceTemplates class to allow to log errors detected during checking
  • Add a direct method in the EnumType class to get the int value associated with a state name
  • Modify the listen interface to correctly listen to both sides of a RequestResponse service
  • Fix a case where the default value in an EnumType was incorrect
  • ScenarioEngine: Support the setState service
  • ScenarioEngine: Support arrays of structure of arrays
  • UAApplication: use J661 1.7.3 custom

Version 0.6.14

  • ScenarioEngine: present the scenario file even with an autoStart
  • ScenarioEngine: avoid an NPE for an autoStart if the scenario has not been defined in the properties
  • ScenarioEngine: fix an incorrect parsing when a cell concerning a String value contains a Dash
  • ScenarioEngine: support complex structure and array imbrications


  • ExternalComm: Fix a regression in the module since 0.6.14-Beta-1
  • wiki: Use docGenerator 1.4.14

Version 0.6.15

  • Use groovy 2.5.8
  • Use MDIUtilities 1.2.4
  • Use Netty 4.1.43
  • Fix the copy of a StructureType data value
  • Add the "any" type, which allows to define any simple type value for a data or a field
  • Fix aliased service needing to have an id
  • UserInputs: Fix the user directory not taken into account for the "Import Text" option
  • UserInputs: Fix some cases where the type of a row was incorrect
  • UserInputs: Show the type of errors in the logger area
  • UserInputs: Fix the text editors for output services being not editable in some use cases
  • Allow to have a different uri for the alias and the aliased service
  • tacticalEnv: Add a tactical environment module
  • tacticalEnv: Add a tacticalEnvModel module which allows to distribute the datas for tacticalEnv as objects
  • tacticalRules: Add a tactical rules module
  • Jena: Add a new saveSchema service to specifically save the content of the OWL ontology
  • Jena: Add a new debug property to debug the module behavior
  • Jena: take into account the service namespace when subscribing
  • Fix the usage of a requestResponse service which was incorrect if several services were provided or subscribed by a module
  • Allow to add several autodescripted modules in the same application (even if they are instances of the same one)


  • wiki: Fix the documentation about data sharing
  • Fix some cases with several instances of the same autodescripted module in the same application which was parsed incorrecty
  • Allow to specify the module instances in the properties by the name of the autodescripted module

Version 0.6.16

  • wiki: Use docGenerator 1.4.16
  • Fix the parsing of grouped properties for instances of autodescripted module
  • Add the concept of service extensions
  • Add the concept of abstract services

Version 0.6.17

  • wiki: Use docGenerator
  • Use groovy 2.5.9
  • Use Netty 4.1.45
  • Add an option to specify if URL properties allow or not existing files
  • Fix cases where the module ID was incorrectly defined (if the application ID was undefined)
  • Fix the array properties not being properly specified in some cases
  • Add a recorder and a player module
  • Add a clock module

Version 0.6.18

  • Use MDIUtilities 1.2.5
  • Use groovy 3.0.0
  • Use JNA 5.5.0
  • The "ignorePythonWarnings" property now also ignore user warnings
  • Simplify the use of Python modules with an Anaconda installation
  • The Python modules version is updated to 1.4
  • Allow to use the framework with 1.3 Python modules
  • Allow to use properties in Python modules
  • Fix the usage of environment variables
  • Properly shutdown the framework if doing CTRL+C on the bat window calling the framework on Windows
  • Fix the buffer size in Python not taken into account in the Java Python module
  • Emit a clear exception if the ouputSize for the Python buffer is too small rather than throw a syntax error JSON exception

Version 0.6.19

  • Use JEditor 1.2.2
  • Use JSON 1.4
  • Use Groovy 3.0.1
  • Accept spaces in Python script paths
  • Emit a clear error if there are special characters in Python script paths
  • ScenarioPlayer: Fix the Player module not taking into account correctly changing the speed of the replay
  • Jena: Add a yield property for the Jena module to yield time between two updates of the Ontology
  • Jena: Change the architecture of the Ontology updates to avoid unwanted exceptions
  • Jena: support Geosparql
  • Jena: use Jena 3.14.0 and geosparql-jena-1.1.2
  • Jena: use the general log level in the Jena library
  • Fix default properties not correctly taken into account for array properties

Version 0.6.20

  • Use MDIUtilities 1.2.6
  • Use JSON 1.5
  • Use Netty 4.1.47
  • Use Groovy 3.0.2
  • Allow to reference an empty properties file
  • Allow to specify a fixed size for an array
  • Show a clearer error message if the path of a Java module is not found because there is no library in its application
  • Separate the test utilities project from the core project
  • Add a new way to set values
  • Move the JSON decoding methods from the PythonModule class to the DataUtilities class
  • Fix the decoding of a JSON file for an enum defined as a String
  • userInputs: allow to import array and structure values from JSON files
  • userInputs: allow to import all the content of a service from JSON files
  • Add a "failFast" framework property in the framework configuration

Version 0.6.21

  • Use docGenerator
  • Use Netty 4.1.49
  • Use scriptHelper 1.4 and Groovy 3.0.3
  • The Groovy scripts in the framework core are now managed by the scriptHelper library
  • UAApplication: The Groovy scripts in the UAApplication module are now managed by the scriptHelper library
  • Add new methods for data manipulation in arrays
  • Emit a clear error in the log if a property is not found (previously it was the same message as if it was not possible to parse the property value
  • Add a "push" and a "pop" method for arrays to add a new element at the end of the array or remove the last element of the array
  • Follow symbolic links for the Python runtime
  • Fix the python scripts on Unix platforms (Linux or Mac OS X) not being called correctly
  • The Python modules version is updated to 1.5. The 1.3 version is still compatible (with the usage of the "compatibility" attribute)
  • Python class in modules can now have any names
  • Fix the getFieldValueAsData issue (linked to the deepCopy of types for Data values)
  • Fix the framework "start" method considering that a module is not started until the "start" method for this module has been called, which can led to problems at start of the framework if a module started before another one invoke a service recevied by the second module
  • Fix the "TestUtils" sub-project not included in the framwork source distrib
  • Remove the testutils source in the framework project because it is now unused
  • userInputs: Fix the userInputs showing the default value at deep level of structure or array datas rather than the current value
  • externalComm: Fix the initialization of the ports being performed too late in some cases, which can lead in some cases to a NPE when receiving a service from the framework
  • externalComm: Add an "endianness" property to swap data values if the endianness is not Big Endian
  • serviceMerger: protect the module on cases where the configuration is not defined

Version 0.6.21

  • Use scriptHelper 1.5
  • Avoid to throw an NPE if the configuration defines on the command line contains only non existing filelist files
  • Fix the unserialization of ObjectType elements which was performed incorrectly
  • userInputs: fix ObjectType elements which were not processed
  • userInputs: fix some cases when strings in an array where shown incorrectly

Version 0.6.22

  • Use scriptHelper 1.5.8
  • Use Groovy 3.0.4
  • Use Netty 4.1.50
  • Emit a clearer error if the filelist file for a configuration is not of the proper type
  • userInput: If the same service is declared both as input and output of the same userInput module, it is only seen as input of the module
  • Support RequestResponse services for Python modules
  • Protect the Python module implementation from the reception of services or datas which do not exist
  • Issue when sending many times the same data
  • Add a xulInterface module

Version 0.6.23

  • Use scriptHelper 1.5.9
  • Use docGenerator
  • Use jDependency 1.4
  • Add methods in the Module allowing to get an URL property only if it exists
  • Fix a regression since 0.6.22 where RequestReponse services where not correctly handled anymore
  • Jena: use Jena 3.15.0 (we still use geosparql-jena-1.1.2 because there has not been a new release of geosparql)
  • Jena: make sure the owlRequests are handled immediately even if there are still other commands in the pipeline
  • scenario: Protect the player engine from cases where some scenario files do not exist
  • xulInterface: Correctly wrap exceptions if an invoked script method did not exist
  • xulInterface: Support the "oblique" font style in CSS
  • xulInterface: Support the CSS border-color and border-width CSS properties
  • xulInterface: Support the tree, treecol, treeitem, and treecell widgets
  • xulInterface: Fix validation on listbox elements which triggered erroneous errors
  • xulInterface: support Python scripts
  • The externalComm module can now serialize its input or output data. The serialized scenario can be replayed by the Player module

Version 0.6.23

  • Allow to specify global properties which can be used for module properties in the properties configuration

Version 0.6.24

  • Use docGenerator
  • Use scriptHelper 1.5.10
  • Use javaXUL 1.2.2
  • Use MDIUtilities
  • Use MDIFramework 1.3.2
  • Use jDependency 1.4.1
  • All the parsing error message are now in English
  • Add a "showPythonCommandLine" property to show the command-line of the started python processes on the logger
  • Use a global library for jUnit tests helper utilities
  • Show the version value in the Framework window
  • Add a method in the framework allowing to get the list of file list
  • Fix some cases where an error would be emitted if a specific service had a namespace and the datas use types of this namespace
  • Fix an error which would be emitted if a service declared a namespace but used datas from both this namespace and no namespace
  • Fix an error which would be emitted if a type declared a namespace but referenced another type without namespace
  • Allow to set the defaultReceiveEntryPoint for Python modules
  • Fix the reception queue for python module which could be filled and block the application if numerous messages were sent to a Python module
  • Fix the modules not getting correctly their datas if two services with the same service name but different URI are used in the module
  • Allow to create copies of event or publish services
  • Allow to separate the queues between event service queue and publish service queue
  • Add the "hour", "minute", "s" (for seconds), and "ms" (for milliseconds) units, also usable in properties
  • Add a "listenAll" declaration for modules to listen to all services
  • Add a "cyclicEvent" declaration for modules to send cyclically event services
  • Add a new optional attribute for ObjectType services allowing to use this type with an interface or abstract class
  • Add two methods for the ServiceInstance which allow to know if the service has been invoked or notified for the first time
  • Add two methods in the Logging class to log messages with arguments using a template message
  • Allow to define global libraries shared by all the applications
  • Add the capability to log informations on the parser logger with a log level
  • Allow to trigger the invocation of an event service upon the notification of another
  • Add a method which return true if a particular value is supported by a Type
  • Add a switchType type to choose between different types
  • Add a property to allow template validation to be less strict
  • Compute the processing time for request/response services
  • scenario: fix the player and recorder for values encoded in hexadecimal
  • scenario: avoid cases where the recorder could throw a BufferOverflowException if the buffer was too small
  • Remove warning log messages written when using the UDP or TCP protocols (by Netty)
  • Allow to set the field values in a structure as a string for enumeration fields
  • clock: allow to set the position of the clock window
  • clock: make sure that the tag window is shown at the right of the clock window and that they don't overlap
  • userInputs: show the "outputs" tabs rather that the "inputs" tab if there are no input services for the module
  • xulInterface: Fix some cases where the direct invocation of Javascript script methods would call the default interface method rather than the specified one
  • xulInterface: allow to set the style and styleClass of widgets at runtime
  • xulInterface: allow to set the labels of tree cells
  • xulInterface: fix the style parameter of a widget not taken into account if there is no custom CSS for the XUL script
  • xulInterface: allow to set the inset of containers
  • Jena: add sis-embedded-data and derby libraries for geopsparql
  • Jena: update libraries to Jena 3.15.0
  • Jena: fix some forgotten geoSparql dependencies
  • Jena: add the full embedded data for access to the full EPSG spatial/coordinate reference systems
  • Jena: avoid to have a missing SIS_DATA environment variable warning
  • Jena: add a request / response service to get an object from the response rather than a text or XML content
  • Jena: add a request / response service to get a property, a data property, or all the properties of an instance
  • Jena: add a request / response service to get the geometry of an instance
  • Jena: add a common class to create a SPARQL query in a Jena client
  • Jena: add several unit tests
  • Jena: add a service which allows to chain in one transaction several updates and creations
  • Jena: add a service which return the structure of the ontology
  • Jena: add a service which return the statistics about the ontology
  • tacticalEnv: add a nature field for the zones
  • tacticalEnv: fix the boolean properties not taken into account
  • tacticalEnv: remove the model from the tacticalEnvModel.jar jar File and create a new tacticalEnvCommon.jar library used by the tacticalEnvModel.jar library
  • tacticalEnv: fix the FEBA which was not correctly managed
  • tacticalEnv: add Threats
  • userInputs: protect against an exception if an object type data is not serializable
  • UAApplication: update libraries to the last MDIUtilities and MDIFramework 1.3.2
  • Add a MaryTTS application (which is a wrapper around the MaryTTS text-to-speech server)


  • Jena: fix a regression in the generation of Sparql requests
  • xulInterface: fix the resizable attribute being correctly handled but the parser detecting its presence as an error
  • xulInteface: fix the label widget not visible in stacks
  • xulInterface: fix the border-width CSS property incorrectly named order-width
  • xulInterface: improve the border style "dashed" appearance
  • xulInterface: add support for the border style "dotted" value
  • xulInterface: support the border-radius CSS property
  • tacticalEnv: fix the properties and references of elements being shared by all elements of the same type
  • protoFramework: correction of a regression on the usage of python scripts

Version 0.6.25

  • Use scriptHelper 1.5.11
  • Use javaXUL 1.2.5
  • Use MDIUtilities 1.2.8
  • Use Netty 4.1.52
  • Add a Meteo module allowing to decode TAFs or METARs
  • Fix the framework not using the correct groovy library
  • Fix the framework emitting an error message for modules definition pushing a "publish" service while the service is not defined in the concrete definition
  • Allow to specify a request without a timeOut
  • Show clearer error messages if a unit conversion is not supported
  • Allow to set a structure field value using a unit
  • Support sending requests and blocking the current thread until the result is returned
  • xulInterface: use the 1.5.11 version of javaXUL
  • xulInterface: support the "align" property for widgets
  • xulInterface: stacks styles are not taken into account
  • xulInterface: allows to specify disabled styles
  • xulInterface: add the createElement Javascript function
  • xulInterface: add the cloneNode Javascript function
  • Groovy scripts are not seen in XULInterface, the module is not able to load them
  • tacticalEnv: allow to remove a reference of a property from an element
  • tacticalEnv: add aircrafts
  • tacticalEnv: add flightplans and waypoints
  • tacticalEnv: add a tool which allows to change the coordinates of all elements in a scenario
  • Jena: allow to specify a mapping with classes which are not known by the ClassLoader of the user module without emitting an exception
  • Jena: support the "ORDER BY" Sparql declaration in the generation of Sparql requests
  • Jena: support the "LIMIT" Sparql declaration in the generation of Sparql requests
  • Jena: support the "OPTIONAL" Sparql declaration for both a single expression or several related expressions
  • Jena: support the "VALUES" Sparql declaration
  • Jena: support the rdfs:subClassOf, rdfs:subClassOf*, and rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf expressions
  • Jena: allows to return default values for the object results for variables which where not found (which can happen when using the OPTIONAL filter)
  • Jena: allow to return the latitude and longitude of individuals for GeoSparql-enabled schemas
  • Jena: allow to return the distance between individuals for GeoSparql-enabled schemas
  • Jena: add new values for the "debug" optional property

See also

Categories: general

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