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Release history

This article presents the history of the releases of the tool. To see the history before the Open Sourcing of the library (0.6.26), see Release history before OpenSourcing

Version 0.6.26

  • Upgrade to JSON 1.6
  • scenarioEngine: Improve the behavior of the player to avoid to throw an exception if an array has a negative size
  • tacticalEnv: allow to set the orientation of an Aircraft without its speed
  • tacticalEnv: add a tool which allows to move the coordinates of all elements in a scenario by a delta
  • Jena: support the "UNION" Sparql declaration
  • Jena: add an interface for all sparql constructs
  • Jena: the Optional class is renamed Group
  • Jena: fix the "VALUES" Sparql declaration in some cases
  • Meteo: use MetarParser 0.3

Version 0.6.27

  • tacticalEnv: improve the tool, adding the capability to add waypoints, threats, FEBA, zones, flightplans, targets, corridors
  • tacticalEnv: improve the tool, adding the capability to move an isolated element
  • tacticalEnv: add the capability to add list of references
  • tacticalEnv: major improvement of the tool to allow for edition of all the tacticalEnv scenario elements
  • tacticalEnv: allow to set the latitude and longitude coordinates in a more natural manner in the tacticalEnv scenario
  • tacticalEnv: add an optional desc attribute to elements to add a description to elements
  • tacticalEnv: add a NSTL nature for Zones
  • tacticalEnv: fix the parser discarding referenced waypoints under parent elements
  • UAApplication: improve the application protection against an incorrectly defined API
  • userInputs: fix the invocation of services without data not taken into account
  • userInputs: sort the services in the GUI by their names
  • MaryTTS: import the MaryTTS module
  • UAApplication: add logging to the UAApplication
  • Jena: use the xsd: rather than the xs prefix for the XMLSchema elements in the Sparql requests, as of the Sparql specification
  • Jena: fix the inversion of the latitude and Longitude coordinates when using Geosparql, triggering wrong answers when asking about geometries
  • Jena: add the commons-logging library to the dependencies
  • Jena: support owlTime in operations and requests
  • Jena: support BIND, FILTER, and COALESCE constructs
  • Jena: fix the VALUES construct generation
  • Jena: support custom functions in the Sparql requests in both the FILTER and BIND constructs, including functions using services
  • Add a mode for the modules interfaces declarations to specify if the library interfaces must be cleared or kept
  • Add an utility to get the duration from a value and a time unit
  • Allow to customize the way service invocation are handled (using an executor service, or in the same thread as the caller)
  • Allow to get the map of providing or subscribing services in the ServiceTemplates class
  • Add a new module attribute allowing to disable modules in the applications configuration
  • Protect the Python module implementation start, subscribe, and publish methods against cases where the python runtime is not found
  • Allow to set the value of configuration property variables in the command-line when starting the framework
  • Allow to define a description for modules and applications in the architecture
  • Add the g-force unit and the ability to convert to/from m/s2
  • Use Netty 4.1.63
  • Use MDIUtilities 1.2.16
  • Use MDIFramework 1.3.4
  • Use scriptHelper 1.5.15
  • Use jGraphML 0.6
  • Use javaXUL 1.2.5
  • Add the ability in the browser to export the diagram architecture as graphml (readable by yEd)
  • Use docJGenerator
  • Add an optional comment attribute for datas in the service declarations
  • Add the "autoAttachProviders" framework property
  • externalComm: allow to use global or environment variables for the port and host in the Network configuration
  • xulInterface: use javaXUL 1.2.5

Version Beta 1

  • Use MDIUtilities
  • Use MDIFramework
  • Use docJGenerator
  • Add a "libPath" property in the configuration allowing to set the path of native libraries
  • Fix some bugs in the joystick module
  • Fix a critical regression in the usage of Python modules
  • Fix the included editor for the UAApplication which was not working anymore
  • Add samples for the joystick module
  • Fix some bugs in the included server of the UAApplication
  • Allow to omit the top-level module element for an application with only one module
  • Allow to omit the modules element for an application which is a library instance
  • Use docJGenerator 1.5.5
  • Fix some bugs in the included server of the UAApplication
  • Allow to annotate the ObjectType associated classes
  • userInputs: show the content of ObjectType annotated classes
  • userInputs: show the full namespace of services in the input or output trees
  • tacticalEnv: annotate the model classes
  • tacticalEnv: add samples
  • uaappli: add a sample using UAAppli and tacticalEnv
  • uaappli: add a helper code to manipulate latitude, longitude coordinates
  • tacticalEnv: add an optional worldConfig element to specify the center of the tactical situation
  • Add a "hasChanged()" method in the ServiceInstance class to identify if the datas of the service have changed since the last reception
  • Fix the hasChanged() method for datas not seing the data as changed for arrays if the size of the array is unchanged
  • Fix the hasChanged() method for datas not seing the data as changed for structures
  • Fix the hasChanged() method for datas not seing the data as changed for unions
  • Fix the hasChanged() method not working correctly if the data valuke has not been set before the invocation
  • Add a "defaultChangeBehavior" property to specify how complex data changes are taken into account
  • sphynx: add a wrapper to the Sphynx library
  • Update the jGraphx library content
  • browser: fix the pythonUtils.py library not generated in the "Generate Python Library" action
  • Fix the Java runtime path for the browser and the framework applications
  • Fix the waitAtStart of Python modules which was incorrectly applied
  • Change the default values for the waitAtStart and waitAtInit of Python modules from 2 seconds to 200 ms
  • Add two global properties to set the waitAtStart and waitAtInit parameters by default for Python modules
  • externalComm: Fix some errors when adapting the externalComm interfaces to LittleEndian platforms
  • externalComm: allow to launch the external process by the framework
  • Allow to omit the "module" element for properties if there is only one module in an application
  • Use JNA 5.8.0
  • externalComm: add a new logFile property to allow to log the decoding result in a File
  • externalComm: add properties to customize how endianness is taken into account
  • scenarioEngine: ensure that the record of the XML file for the recorder is in the same order for each service that the service datas declaration order
  • externalComm: add a property to allow to receive more than one service in one buffer
  • externalComm: add a property to check the value of the MAGIC number
  • Allow to a description for all types in the configuration
  • Use Netty 4.1.66
  • Show the content of the models in the browser
  • vosk: add a wrapper to the vosk library
  • Add a capability to activate or deactivate cyclic service interfaces
  • Logger: add a Logger module
  • Fix the timestamp value not set for the service instance
  • Add a printStackTrace property to print the errors stack trace in the console
  • Add two methods in Module to get the elapsed time since the start of the framework, and the elapsed between the start of the framework and a timestamp
  • Add the utc and epoch time units
  • The enumeration values in EnumTypes can now be negatives
  • Add methods in the AbstractFunctionalUA to show or hide the displays
  • userInputs: add properties to keep the history of incoming services datas
  • uaappli: Add methods in the helper to get the latitude and longitude of an element expressed in 100th of mm
  • Jena: fix the properties and data properties not able to be updated with a cardinality of 1
  • tacticalRules: fix the properties and data properties not able to be updated with a cardinality of 1
  • Allow to load a configuration in a zip or jar file
  • Allow to set the value of an environment variable
  • Allow to communicate with http requests for Python modules


  • Use Netty 4.1.68
  • Use JNA 5.9.0
  • Use MDIUtilities
  • Use docGenerator
  • Use JSON 1.7.4
  • Add a "type" attribute for the "setenv" element in the filelist to specify that an environment variable is an URL
  • Fix several types of datas not correctly handled by the requestSend and the requestReceived services interfaces (this was the case for XML, URL, and JSON)
  • Jena: Fix the owl-time schema URL not correctly specified
  • Jena: Fix the owl-time schema URL not loaded correctly
  • Jena: Fix the "warning" value of the "debug" property doing the same thing as "all"
  • tacticalEnv: allow to have moving aircrafts
  • vosk: use vosk api
  • vosk: fix the push to talk behavior
  • vosk: show the confidence rate of the voice decoding
  • Fix the printStackTrace property not handling the "false" value
  • Fix the start process of Python modules not ending if the Python script initialization fails
  • Allow to specify an environment to use when using Anaconda
  • Allow to override the user configuration properties at start
  • Allow to use the configuration properties to customize the framework architecture
  • Fix possible charset errors when calling a Python script through Anaconda
  • Fix the event services mandating the "attach" property for multiple providers
  • Add several values editions in the request and response services which were forgotten for these services types
  • Fix when a notification for a configured C module was wrongly invoking the notified service from this module
  • Protect the url data type from URLs which does not have the correct pattern
  • Fix the setValue method for a data of the urlType type and an initially null URL
  • Improve the correspondance between JSON parsing and the associated datas when communicating with Python modules
  • First steps for models editions and browsing


  • Allow to use conditions on several elements in the filelist root configuration
  • Allow to include filelist root configuration files in another root configuration file
  • Add new methods to set a data value as a File
  • Use JSON 1.7.6
  • Allow to have JSONArrays (json type) directly as datas or fields
  • uaappli: fix the helper library not containing any classes
  • Jena: fix a case where an absent litteral could create an internal esxception in the engine
  • Jena: manage removing instances
  • Fix some cases where a RejectedExecutionException could happen after shutting down the framework if using a request-response service
  • Fix the request-response service not working correctly in some cases when several modules are sending the same request


  • Use docGenerator
  • Use MDIUtilities 1.2.27
  • Be more specific when encountering errors while parsing library definitions
  • Add the "not" condition
  • Add a method in the ServiceInstance to detect if a notified service was invoked by the module itself. This is the case if a module is both a provider and subscriber of the same service
  • Rename the globalProperty element var and add the concept of a global property
  • The name of the module in properties definition is not significant if there is only one module in the application
  • Give more informations if an exception is thrown by the native JNA bridge during a service invocation or notification when communicating with a C library
  • Fix cases where the native JNA bridge did not handle notifications correctly for a C module
  • Allow to skip some datas in a service in C modules
  • Add a capability in the browser to export only the part of a graph which is linked to a chosen module
  • tacticalEnv: all the list of elements now implement a common ElementList interface
  • Fix JSON enumeration values received from Python and encoded in String not correctly parsed by the Python module
  • Add a pythonEnumAsString for Python modules to encode enumeration states as Strings
  • Add a getProtectedStateValueAsString method in the EnumType class to get a guaranteed valid state value as a String
  • Make sure that the getStateValueAsString method in the EnumType class return a state name, or null
  • Add a method in the DataUtilities utility class to convert the content of a service as a JSON object
  • Add a method in the DataUtilities utility class to convert the content of a Data as a JSON object
  • userInputs: add a capability to export the content of a service in JSON format
  • userInputs: make sure the enumeration combos are listed in the order of the states values
  • Jena: fix the getGraph service which did not get correctly all the ranges from properties
  • Allow to specify the value of an enum as an hexadecimal value
  • Allow to specify a default value for a type as an hexadecimal value
  • Add an echo command in the filelist format to echo the value of an environment variable or a property
  • Use jGraphml 0.7
  • Jena: add methods in the QueryResults.Value class to return the value as several primitive types
  • Jena: fix some cases where individual references were incorrectly added in the SparqlRequest
  • Jena: protect for some cases where we could have a NPE when applying a query
  • Jena: add utilities to get a function key when using custom functions
  • Meteo: fix the unit tests which were failing
  • Meteo: the data types for the Meteo are now in a MeteoDataTypes common class
  • Add several samples using ontologies
  • vosk: use vosk api
  • vosk: add a new INITIALIZE_EXCEPTION state type
  • browser: show the implementation of libraries when opening these libraries
  • browser: show the python http modules implementation
  • browser: show the content of C modules implementation


  • Use docGenerator
  • Use jGraphml 0.9
  • Jena: support sub-queries in the request creation framework
  • Jena: support the GROUP BY declaration in the request creation framework
  • Jena: support the COUNT and SUM expressions in the request creation framework
  • Jena: support using expressions in the SELECT construct in the request creation framework
  • browser: add an option in the graphml export to show the services in boxes
  • Add several blocking options for the http modules
  • Fix the Class-Path property in the framework manifest which could prevent the project to be built on Mac OS X or Linux
  • scenarioEngine: Fix the Class-Path property which could prevent the project to be built on Mac OS X or Linux
  • uaappli: Fix the Class-Path property which could prevent the project to be built on Mac OS X or Linux
  • uaappli: use J6661 1.8.1b1
  • Jena: Fix the Class-Path property which could prevent the project to be built on Mac OS X or Linux
  • MaryTTS: Fix the Class-Path property which could prevent the project to be built on Mac OS X or Linux
  • Meteo: Fix the Class-Path property which could prevent the project to be built on Mac OS X or Linux
  • xulInterface: Fix the Class-Path property which could prevent the project to be built on Mac OS X or Linux


  • Add a method in the Module class allowing to know if there is a module subscriber in the framework for a service
  • Add the capability to add property arrays in property array groups
  • Jena: Add a "requestInfo" provided service allowing the module to send the received request
  • Jena: Add a property to set the default namespace for a schema
  • Jena: Add a property to set additional namespaces for a schema
  • Jena: Add new methods in the SPARQL request framework to set the prefix of a property construct


  • Use MDIUtilities 1.2.28
  • Jena: Fix some constructs in the SPARQL request framework not able to use specific prefixes
  • userInputs: the logger area and the service content list are now separated by a split, allowing to redimension all the panels of the interface independently
  • userInputs: allow to export the content of all the bottom panel to a JSON file
  • browser: allow to generate a JSON file with the list of interfaces for a module
  • Simplify the structure of the Python modules integration in the framework
  • Add new blocking options for the http modules
  • Try to avoid an exception loop when using JavaFX after closing the framework
  • Fix an error which would appear in some cases when parsing the model if using an ownerModule
  • Add the capability to communicate with a Python module using TCP
  • Use Netty for the UDP or TCP communication with Python modules
  • When communicating with a Python module using TCP, allow to invoke blocking services
  • Add a property to avoid to show the module name when logging a content in a Python module
  • Update the python scripts to version 1.6
  • Use jGraphML 0.9.2
  • browser: improve the graphml diagram generation for request/resposne services
  • Fix a problem where Python modules called through Anaconda would not be correctly killed in some cases at the end of the framework
  • Add a "debug" attribute for the declaration of Python modules to debug the connection between the framework and the Python executable
  • Add a "logOnConsole" framework property to force logging all logs also on the system console
  • Fix cases where huge service content sent by a Python module was truncated
  • userInputs: allow to show the timeStamp of a service in the system current time (in milliseconds) rather than from the start of the framework

Version 0.6.28

  • Use docJGenerator
  • Use jGraphML 1.2.4
  • Use MDIUtilities 1.2.52
  • Use MDIFramework 1.3.11
  • Use JNA 5.13.0
  • Fix some cases where the starting of Python modules was not working correctly since
  • Add a count parameter to a version of the send, sendRequest, and notified method on services to pass the invocation count
  • Add an event engine factory to the framework, and a perfoLogger which implements this factory
  • Allow to add the title of the Framework Window in the configuration properties
  • Add a method in the ServiceInstance class to copy the data values from another service to this one
  • Add the concept of abstract types (usable for structures and unions)
  • Allow to extend structure and union types
  • Add a method allowing to copy as much content from one data to another as it is possible
  • Separate the method in the ServiceInstance class to copy the data values from another service to this one, to specify if the data copy should be strict
  • Add a new entry point notifying a module that all notified modules have achieved their procerss after the module invocation
  • Improve the cloning of Data values
  • Add a new optional access point for a module which is called when all the notified modules have finished their execution
  • Add the ability in the browser to export the modules in their applications
  • Add a new option to export diagrams in the browser
  • Add a new "minimizeGUI" option to minimize (iconify) the framework window
  • Add methods to directly get a data of a specific type in a service
  • Add a new type of invocation, allowiçng to clone the content of the service before invoking it
  • Fix the to copyFromService method in some cases
  • Add a recorder engine to generate for the framework a sequence diagram
  • Add a debugLog configuration property
  • Allow to add several templated modules in one application
  • Remove the reset of data content for the invocation for the event services
  • Add several methods in the Units class allowing to detect the type of the unit (angle, time, speed, distance)
  • Add the "position" type for a module property
  • Add the "consolePosition" framework property to position the framework console
  • scenarioEngine: improve the serialization of the player when several records happen in a short time
  • scenarioEngine: improve the presentation of the heart icon and the current time in the player
  • scenarioEngine: Add the "guiPosition" module property to position the recorder or player GUI window
  • userInputs: add a "blocking" property to set if the user input GUI is blocking. Default is not blocking
  • userInputs: fix the columns of the table for input services not easily redimensionable if a lot of services are received
  • userInputs: Add the "guiPosition" module property to position the userInputs GUI window
  • clock: Add the "guiPosition" module property to position the clock GUI window
  • uaappli: use J6661 1.8.1
  • uaappli: simplify the usage of the ARINC 661 API
  • uaappli: Add utility methods to format a numeric value as a String for a service data in the UAApplication
  • uaappli: add a connectionDelay property
  • uaappli: fix the runtime API not setting the value for colors, pictures, blinkings, clippings, and fonts if set by the name of the element
  • uaappli: allow the runtime API to set the widget IDs by the name of the widget for parameters which point to a widget ID
  • uaappli: add methods in the A661RuntimeAPI to deal with the application ID
  • uaappli: fix the underlying ARINC661 client not working correctly with a tcp protocol
  • uaappli: fix the default layer representation not being set by default
  • uaappli: allow to not set explictly all services for an UA
  • uaappli: fix the A661RuntimeAPI not correctly setting the parameter value for a color or a picture reference
  • uaappli: add new methods for the projection helper
  • uaappli: fix the MapItems management
  • externalComm: allow to log the decoding of datas
  • externalComm: add a "serializeBuffer" property to specify if the input or output buffer must be serialized
  • externalComm: improve the output of the serialized XML buffer and the log file
  • externalComm: completely take the namespace of services into account
  • externalComm: fix problems when queuing inputs and outputs
  • tacticalRules: handle long, char, and short simple types
  • tacticalRules: handle triggers and outputs in structures
  • tacticalRules: continue to handle triggers and outputs in structures
  • tacticalRules: add the copyService action
  • tacticalRules: add some service invocation configuration
  • tacticalRules: fix bugs in the trigger if there is more than one field in a structure triggering the trigger
  • tacticalRules: fix bugs in the service action
  • tacticalRules: add a clone option for services
  • tacticalEnv: add a getFlightplan service in the tacticalEnv module, and getFlightplanModel service in the tacticalEnvModel module
  • tacticalEnv: allow to use more than one scenario
  • tacticalEnv: allow to directly add points to a flightplan


  • Use docJGenerator
  • Use jGraphML 1.2.9
  • Use MDIUtilities 1.3.2
  • Use MDIFramework
  • Use JSON 1.7.7
  • core framework: Use Netbeans 12.5 for the development
  • uaappli: Use Netbeans 12.5 for the development
  • uaappli: Use J661 1.8.1b3
  • TobiiEye: Use Netbeans 12.5 for the development
  • Mention the type during a tentative value copy if an ObjectType cannot be serialized
  • Don't throw an exception in the services template checker if a data has not type but show a clear error
  • Catch NoClassDefFoundError errors when trying to create a module if the module cannot be implemented because of a dependency
  • Fix showing the path of libraries in the browser throwing an exception
  • Fix showing some paths in the brower not showing the correct relative path relative to the filelist
  • Fix the logger area not presented if some application jar files did not exist
  • Add some forgotten license headers
  • Put the testTools.jar jar file in the tools directory during deployment
  • Jena: Avoid a NPE if an ElementOperations is null
  • Jena: Make Operations Serializable
  • Jena: Emit a clearer error message if the mapping of a Class is incorrect in the mappings file
  • scenarioEngine: Avoid an exception if a value is not set on one cell
  • tacticalEnv: add a flightplanDelta element for an aircraft allowing to put the position of the aircraft at a delta position relative to the flightplan
  • tacticalEnv: allow to add a base in the GUI tool
  • tacticalEnv: allow to set the center of the scenario in the GUI tool
  • tacticalEnv: write the world reference if it exists
  • tacticalEnv: show icons on the GUI tool for the elements
  • tacticalEnv: show properties on the GUI tool when selecting an element
  • tacticalEnv: Use Netbeans 12.5 for the development
  • tacticalRules: Use Netbeans 12.5 for the development
  • MaryTTS: Use Netbeans 12.5 for the development
  • MaryTTS: use maryTTS 5.2.1
  • vosk: Use Netbeans 12.5 for the development
  • vosk: use vosk api
  • Jena: add an "imports" property to import schemas
  • Fix a NPE which could happen if an application did not exist in the network configuration
  • Add methods to get a service instance for a Module using a namespace key
  • externalComm: allow to start or stop a service
  • userInputs: improve the handling of switch types
  • Rewrite the network protocol framework
  • scenarioEngine: set Netbeans 12.5 for the development
  • scenarioEngine: allow to record in JSON format
  • Use a properties file for all the error messages rather than coding the errors directly in the java code for the core framework
  • Drop old compatibility properties for the Python architecture
  • perfoLogger: support the recording and viewing of exchanges including the network
  • perfoLogger: serialize correctly the logger scenario if the user closes the perfoLogger Window without or before shutting the framework down
  • Ensures that the framework is properly shutdown even if the user closes the script file which started the framework rather than closing properly the framework GUI Window
  • externalComm: allow to have an empty channel content
  • scenarioEngine: allow to split records in JSON format
  • scenarioEngine: show correctly the flashing heart icon after restarting
  • Allow to put no field in a structure
  • Show an error if a Java module has an incompatible JRE version number
  • Add methods to get or set a float or double value in a Structure in a specific unit
  • externalComm: fix the sending of requests being incorrect (sending the response datas instead of the request datas)
  • Emit an error rather than throwing a Java exception if an URL which should a file is a directory in the properties
  • Jena: allow to specify dependencies for objects in the objet mappings
  • Update mapOntology sample
  • userInputs: fix the hyperlinks in the area on services with a namespace which was incorrect
  • Fix a regression where the shutdown hook associated with the main framework application prevented the JVM to effectivelty exit

Categories: general

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