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G - Static variable in interface org.da.protoframework.model.types.Units
The g number unit.
getAliasedType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AliasType
Return the type of the array elements.
getApplication(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the Application of a specificed name.
getApplication(long) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return an application by its associated long ID.
getApplication() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the parent Application.
getApplication(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.FrameworkDefinition
Return the application of a specified name.
getApplicationDefinition() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the Application Definition.
getApplicationName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the application names.
getApplications() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the applications.
getApplications() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.FrameworkDefinition
Return the applications.
getApplicationsByID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the Applications.
getApplicationsByID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.FrameworkDefinition
Return the applications Map by ID.
getAppliID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleIDKey
Return the module associated application ID.
getAppliName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleKey
Return the application name.
getAttachedProviders() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Service
Return the Service instance attached provider.
getAttachedProviders() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition
Return the attached Service providers.
getAttachEntryPoint() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.InterfaceDefinition
Return the interface attach / detach entry point.
getAttachEntryPoint() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the default attach / detach entryPoint path for the module.
getAttachMethod(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Method with a specified name and the ServiceInstance and a message type character as argument.
getAttrsGetterByName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectTypeHelper
getAttrsSetterByName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectTypeHelper
getBaseType(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AnyType
Return the base type computed from the value.
getBaseType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType
Return the base built-in type.
getCause() - Method in exception org.da.protoframework.model.core.FrameworkException
getChannelDefinition() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.InterfaceDefinition
Return the Channel definition.
getClassLoader() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Application
Return the modules ClassLoader.
getClassLoader(boolean) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the framework ClassLoader.
getClassLoader() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the ClassLoader used for the Module.
getClassName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return the class name.
getConcreteService() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition
Return the associated concrete Service.
getConfigurationDirectories() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the configuration directories.
getConfigurationDirectories() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.FrameworkDefinition
Return the configuration directories.
getCyclicMethods() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return a cyclic method declarations.
getData(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Datas
Return the Service Datas.
getData(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.RequestServiceInstance
Return the Data of a specified name.
getData(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ResponseServiceInstance
Return the Data of a specified name.
getData(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Data of a specified name.
getData(String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition
Return a Data by its name.
getDataAsArray(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Datas
Return the Data of a specified name, as an array. it will return null if the Data is not an array.
getDataAsArray(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Data of a specified name, as an array. it will return null if the Data is not an array.
getDataAsMap(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Datas
Return the Data of a specified name, as a Map. it will return null if the Data is not a Map.
getDataAsMap(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Data of a specified name, as a Map. it will return null if the Data is not a Map.
getDataAsStructure(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Datas
Return the Data of a specified name, as a structure. it will return null if the Data is not a structure.
getDataAsStructure(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Data of a specified name, as a structure. it will return null if the Data is not a structure.
getDataAsSwitch(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Datas
Return the Data of a specified name, as a Switch. it will return null if the Data is not a switch.
getDataAsSwitch(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Data of a specified name, as a Switch. it will return null if the Data is not a Switch.
getDataAsUnion(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Datas
Return the Data of a specified name, as an Union. it will return null if the Data is not an Union.
getDataAsUnion(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Data of a specified name, as an Union. it will return null if the Data is not a Union.
getDataChangeBehavior() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the change behavior for the data.
getDataChangeBehavior() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition.Data
getDataChangeBehavior() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition
Return the change behavior for datas.
getDatas(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Application
Return the datas associated with a Service.
getDatas(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Application
Return the datas associated with a Service.
getDatas() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Datas
Return the map of datas.
getDatas() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Service instance datas.
getDatas() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition.Topic
Return the datas associated with the topic.
getDatasByName() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition
Return the Service datas.
getDataType(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the type of the Data a specified name.
getDataValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value.
getDataValues() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Service instance datas.
getDeclaredAttrGetter(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return the getter method associated with a field.
getDeclaredAttrGetter(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectTypeHelper
Return the getter method associated with a field.
getDeclaredAttrs(Class<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Get the attributes sorted by their name.
getDeclaredAttrs(boolean) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectTypeHelper
Store the attributes sorted by their name.
getDeclaredAttrSetter(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return the setter method associated with a field.
getDeclaredAttrSetter(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectTypeHelper
Return the setter method associated with a field.
getDeclaredAttrsGetters() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return the attribute getters sorted by their name.
getDeclaredAttrsGetters() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectTypeHelper
Return the attribute getters sorted by their name.
getDeclaredAttrsSetters() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return the attribute setters sorted by their name.
getDeclaredAttrsSetters() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectTypeHelper
Return the attribute setters sorted by their name.
getDeclaredAttrsValues(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return the values of the fields declared for an instance.
getDeclaredAttrValue(Object, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return the method associated with a field
getDeclaredAttrValue(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return the value associated with a field.
getDefaultChannelDefinition() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the default channel definition for the module.
getDefaultClassName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return the default class name.
getDefaultObjectClass() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return the default Object class
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AliasType
Return the default value of the aliased type.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return an empty list by default.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.MapType
Return an empty map by default.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return the type default value.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType
Return the type default value.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType.Nil
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the default structure for this structure type.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SwitchType
Return the type default value.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return the type default value.
getDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return the type default value.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return the type default value.
getDefinition() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Application
Return the Application Definition.
getDefinition() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the Data definition.
getDefinition() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the Framework definition.
getDefinition() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Module definition.
getDefinition() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Service
Return the Service Definition.
getDefinition() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the associated interface definition.
getDescription() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data description.
getDescription() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ApplicationDefinition
Return the application description (may be null).
getDescription() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the service description (may be null).
getDescription() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition.Data
Return the description of the data.
getDescription() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return the type description (may be null).
getDirectory() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the module directory.
getDuration() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.core.CyclicServiceInstance
Return the duration (ie the invocation frequency).
getDuration() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.PublishCyclicServiceInstance
Return the duration (ie the invocation frequency).
getDuration() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.SendEventCyclicServiceInstance
Return the duration (ie the invocation frequency).
getDuration(int, short) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.TypeUtilities
Return a duration for a specified unit type.
getElapsedTime(long) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the elapsed time since the start of the framework.
getElapsedTime() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the elapsed time is milliseconds since the start of the framework (using the ServiceInstance.getTimestampMillis().
getElementsType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Return the array elements type.
getEmptyDatas() - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Datas
Return an empty Data list, which contains no Data.
getEndEntryPoint() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the end entryPoint path for the module.
getEngineURL() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.eventlogger.EventLoggerFactory
Return the URL of the engine.
getEntryPoint(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.custom.CustomModuleDefinition
Return the specific entry point for a Service.
getEntryPoint() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.InterfaceDefinition
Return the interface reception entry point.
getErrorType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the error type for the ServiceState.
getExecutorService() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the ExecutorService.
getExistType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.URLType
Return the existing type.
getExtendedService() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition
Return the Service that this Service extends.
getExtendedType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the type that this type extends.
getExtendedType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return the type that this type extends.
getExtendedType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return the type that this type extends.
getFactory() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.custom.CustomModuleDefinition
Return the custom module factory.
getField() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AttrWrapper.FieldWrapper
getField() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.types.AttrWrapper
Return the Field if the wrapper points to a Field, or null if it points to a Method.
getField(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the field at a specified position.
getField(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the field of a specified name.
getFieldPosition(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the position of a specified field.
getFields() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the fields sorted by their name.
getFieldsList() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the list of fields.
getFieldValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value of a field.
getFieldValue(String, Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field.
getFieldValue(StructType, List<Object>, String) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return the value of a field for a Structure.
getFieldValueAsArray(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value of a field as an array.
getFieldValueAsArray(String, Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as an array.
getFieldValueAsArray(StructType, List<Object>, String) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return the value of a field for a Structure as a short.
getFieldValueAsBoolean(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value of a field as a boolean.
getFieldValueAsBoolean(String, Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as a boolean.
getFieldValueAsBoolean(StructType, List<Object>, String) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return the value of a field for a Structure as a boolean.
getFieldValueAsChar(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value of a field as a char.
getFieldValueAsChar(String, Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as a char.
getFieldValueAsChar(StructType, List<Object>, String) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return the value of a field for a Structure as a char.
getFieldValueAsData(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value of a field as a Data.
getFieldValueAsData(String, Data<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value of a field as a data.
getFieldValueAsData(String, Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as a Data.
getFieldValueAsDouble(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value of a field as a double.
getFieldValueAsDouble(String, Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as a double.
getFieldValueAsDouble(String, Object, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as a double, in a specified unit.
getFieldValueAsDouble(StructType, List<Object>, String) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return the value of a field for a Structure as a double.
getFieldValueAsFloat(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value of a field as a float.
getFieldValueAsFloat(String, Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as a float.
getFieldValueAsFloat(String, Object, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as a float, in a specified unit.
getFieldValueAsFloat(StructType, List<Object>, String) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return the value of a field for a Structure as a float.
getFieldValueAsInt(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value of a field as an int.
getFieldValueAsInt(String, Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as an int.
getFieldValueAsInt(StructType, List<Object>, String) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return the value of a field for a Structure as an int.
getFieldValueAsLong(String, Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as an long.
getFieldValueAsLong(String, Object, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as an long.
getFieldValueAsLong(StructType, List<Object>, String) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return the value of a field for a Structure as a long.
getFieldValueAsShort(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value of a field as a short.
getFieldValueAsShort(String, Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as a short.
getFieldValueAsShort(StructType, List<Object>, String) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return the value of a field for a Structure as a short.
getFieldValueAsString(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value of a field as a String.
getFieldValueAsString(String, Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as a String.
getFieldValueAsStructure(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value of a field as an array.
getFieldValueAsStructure(String, Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as an array.
getFieldValueAsURL(String, Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a field as an URL.
getFileExtension() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.URLType
Return the file extension (can be null).
getFileType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.URLType
Return the file type.
getFinishInvokeEntryPoint() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the default receive finishInvoke path for the module.
getFixedSize() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the array fixed size.
getFramework() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Application
Return the Framework.
getFramework() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.FrameworkDefinition
Return the framework.
getFrameworkPropertiesTypes() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.custom.CustomModuleFactory
Return the framework properties supported by the factory and their associated property types.
getFrameworkProperty(String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.custom.CustomModuleFactory
Return a framework property value.
getFullName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Service full instance name.
getFullName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.InterfaceDefinition
Return the interface definition full name.
getFullName() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.namespace.NamespaceElement
Return the element full name.
getGUIComponent() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the GUI component of the framework (if there is a GUI).
getID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Application
Return the Application ID.
getID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the module ID.
getID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Service
Return the Service ID.
getID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Service ID.
getID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ApplicationDefinition
Return the Application ID.
getID() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.def.ElementDefinition
Return the element ID.
getID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the module ID.
getIndex() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Switch
Return the member index.
getInitEntryPoint() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the init entryPoint of the module.
getInitPreConfMethod(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Method with a specified name and the Module as argument.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.eventlogger.EventLoggerFactory
getInstanceDirectory() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the module instance directory.
getInstanceFromValue(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AliasType
Return a value as an instance of a class.
getInstanceFromValue(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AnyType
Return a value as an instance of a class.
getInstanceFromValue(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Set the value of a structure of the specified type from the fields as an instance object.
getInstanceFromValue(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.MapType
Return a value as an instance of a class.
getInstanceFromValue(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return a value as an instance of a class.
getInstanceFromValue(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType
Return a value as an instance of a class.
getInstanceFromValue(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Set the value of a structure of the specified type from the fields as an instance object.
getInstanceFromValue(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SwitchType
Return null.
getInstanceFromValue(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as an instance of a class.
getInstanceFromValue(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return a value as an instance of a class.
getInstanceListeners() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.RequestServiceInstance
Return the Service instance subscribers.
getInstanceListeners() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Service instance subscribers.
getInstanceSubscribers() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.RequestServiceInstance
Return the Service instance subscribers.
getInstanceSubscribers() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Service instance subscribers.
getInvokerAppliID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the long ID of the application which last invoked the Service.
getInvokerModule() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the module which last invoked the Service.
getInvokerModuleID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the long ID of the module which last invoked the Service.
getKey() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Service
Return the Service key.
getKey() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Service instance key.
getKey() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.InterfaceDefinition
Return the interface key.
getKey() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.namespace.NamespaceElement
Return the element key.
getKey() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return the Service key.
getKeyType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.MapType
Return the type of the Map elements keys.
getLibraries() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ApplicationDefinition
Return the library which implement the Application.
getLibraries() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.FrameworkDefinition
Return the global libraries shared by all applications.
getLibraryName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the module library name (may be null).
getLibraryVersion() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ApplicationDefinition
Return the application library version.
getLibraryVersion() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the application library version.
getLogger() - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.conf.Logging
Return the FrameworkLogger.
getLogLevel() - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.conf.Logging
Return the log level.
getMandatoryModuleParameters() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.custom.CustomModuleFactory
Return the keys for the mandatory module implementation parameters.
getMaxLength() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StringType
Return the String maximum length.
getMaxSize() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the array maximum size.
getMember(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SwitchType
Return the Member at a specified position.
getMember(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return the Member at a specified position.
getMember(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return the Member of a specified name.
getMemberIndex(List<Object>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SwitchType
Return the member index.
getMemberIndex(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SwitchType
Return the variantType of a specified Member.
getMembers() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return the members sorted by their name.
getMembersList() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SwitchType
Return the ordered list of members.
getMembersList() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return the ordered list of members.
getMemberType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Switch
Return the member type.
getMemberType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Return the member type.
getMemberType(List<Object>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return the member type.
getMemberValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Return the member value.
getMemberValue(List<Object>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SwitchType
Return the member value.
getMemberValue(List<Object>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return the member value.
getMemberValueAsBoolean() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Return the value of the member as a boolean.
getMemberValueAsChar() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Return the value of the member as a char.
getMemberValueAsDouble() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Return the value of the member as a double.
getMemberValueAsFloat() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Return the value of the member as a float.
getMemberValueAsInt() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Return the value of the member as an int.
getMemberValueAsShort() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Return the value of the member as a short.
getMemberValueAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Return the value of the member as a String.
getMemberVariant(List<Object>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return the member variant.
getMemberVariant(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return the variantType of a specified Member.
getMethod(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Method with a specified name and the ServiceInstance as argument.
getMethod() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.types.AttrWrapper
Return the Method if the wrapper points to a Method, or null if it points to a Field.
getMethod() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AttrWrapper.MethodWrapper
getMethodImpl(String, Class<?>[]) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return a method with a specified name and arguments.
getModule(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Application
Return a Module by its associated name.
getModule(long) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Application
Return a Module by its associated long ID.
getModule(ModuleIDKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return a Module of a specified Module ID key.
getModule(ModuleKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return a Module of a specified Module key.
getModule() - Method in exception org.da.protoframework.model.core.FrameworkException
Return the Module from which the exception originates.
getModule() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Service module.
getModule(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ApplicationDefinition
Return the module with a specified name.
getModule(ModuleKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.FrameworkDefinition
Return a Module definition.
getModuleClass() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Module class.
getModuleDefinitionClass() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.custom.CustomModuleFactory
Return the class used to define custom modules for this factory.
getModuleID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleIDKey
Return the module ID.
getModuleIDKey() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return this Module ID key.
getModuleIDKey() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the ModuleID key of this Service Module.
getModuleIDKey() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return this Module ID key.
getModuleInstance() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Module instance.
getModuleInstances(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ApplicationDefinition
Return the module instances names derived from a module template name.
getModuleKey() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return this Module key.
getModuleKey() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Module key of this Service Module.
getModuleKey() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return this Module key.
getModuleName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleKey
Return the module name.
getModuleParameterTypes() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.custom.CustomModuleFactory
Return the module implementation parameters supported by the custom module and their associated types.
getModules() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Application
Return the Map of modules.
getModules() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ApplicationDefinition
Return the map of modules.
getModulesByID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Application
Return the Modules.
getModulesByID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ApplicationDefinition
Return the modules Map by ID.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Application
Return the Application name.
getName() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.core.CyclicServiceInstance
Return the Service instance name.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data name.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the module name.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Service
Return the Service name.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Service instance name.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ApplicationDefinition
Return the Application name.
getName() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.def.ElementDefinition
Return the element name.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.InterfaceDefinition
Return the interface name.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the module name.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition.Data
Return the data name.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition.Topic
Return the Topic name.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.namespace.NamespaceKey
Return the name
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.EnumType.State
Return the state name.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType.Field
Return the field name.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return the type name.
getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType.Member
Return the Member name.
getNamedProperty(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return a named property.
getNamedProperty(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return a property.
getNamespace() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the service namespace.
getNamespace() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.namespace.NamespaceElement
Return the element namespace.
getNamespace() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return the type namespace
getNamespaceAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the service namespace as a String.
getNamespaceAsString() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.namespace.NamespaceElement
Return the element namespace as a String.
getNamespaceAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return the element namespace as a String.
getNextRequestID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.RequestServiceInstance
Return the requestID for the next invokcation of the service.
getNilType() - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType
Return the unique Nil type.
getNonEmptyDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AliasType
Return a non empty type default value.
getNonEmptyDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return a non empty type default value.
getNonEmptyDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return a non empty type default value.
getNonEmptyDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SwitchType
Return a non empty type default value.
getNonEmptyDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a non empty type default value.
getNonEmptyDefaultValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return a non empty type default value.
getNotNullPropertyStringValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a String.
getNotNullPropertyStringValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a String.
getObjectClass() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return the Object class
getOwner() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the FrameworkOwner or null if there is no owner.
getParser() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.XMLType
Return the parser to use to parse the XML content.
getParserLogger() - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.conf.Logging
Return the ParserLogger.
getPath() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the module main class path.
getPreConfigureEntryPoint() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the init entryPoint of the module.
getProcessingDuration(long) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.RequestServiceInstance
Return the time spent to processs a request.
getProcessingDuration() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.RequestServiceInstance
Return the time spent to processs the last request.
getProcessingDuration(long) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ResponseServiceInstance
Return the time spent to processs a request.
getProperties() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the properties.
getPropertyArray(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return a property array.
getPropertyArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as an array.
getPropertyArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as an array.
getPropertyBooleanArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a boolean array.
getPropertyBooleanArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a boolean array.
getPropertyBooleanValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a boolean.
getPropertyBooleanValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a boolean.
getPropertyDurationArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a Duration array.
getPropertyDurationArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a Duration array.
getPropertyDurationValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a Duration.
getPropertyDurationValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a Duration.
getPropertyFileArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a File array.
getPropertyFileArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a File array.
getPropertyFileValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a File.
getPropertyFileValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a File.
getPropertyFloatArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a float array.
getPropertyFloatArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a float array.
getPropertyFloatValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a float.
getPropertyFloatValue(String, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a float.
getPropertyFloatValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a float.
getPropertyFloatValue(String, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a float.
getPropertyGroups() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the list of PropertyParents.
getPropertyIntArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as an int array.
getPropertyIntArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as an int array.
getPropertyIntValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as an int.
getPropertyIntValue(String, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as an int.
getPropertyIntValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as an int.
getPropertyIntValue(String, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as an int.
getPropertyMapValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a Map.
getPropertyMapValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a Map.
getPropertyParents() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the list of PropertyParents.
getPropertyPositionValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a ScreenPosition.
getPropertyPositionValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a position.
getPropertyStringArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a String array.
getPropertyStringArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a String array.
getPropertyStringValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as a String.
getPropertyStringValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as a String.
getPropertyURIValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as an URI.
getPropertyURIValue(String, boolean) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as an URI.
getPropertyURIValue(String, boolean) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as an URI.
getPropertyURIValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as an URI.
getPropertyURLArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as an URL array.
getPropertyURLArrayValue(String, boolean) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as an URL array.
getPropertyURLArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as an URL array.
getPropertyURLArrayValue(String, boolean) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as an URL array.
getPropertyURLValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as an URL.
getPropertyURLValue(String, boolean) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property as an URL.
getPropertyURLValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as an URL.
getPropertyURLValue(String, boolean) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a property as an URL.
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the value of a property.
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a module property.
getPropertyValue(String, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the value of a module property.
getProtectedStateValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.EnumType
Return a value as a String which will be a guaranteed state name.
getProtocols() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Map of protocols for the Service.
getProviderInterfaceDefinition(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the provider interface definition for a Service name.
getProviderInterfaces() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the provider Service interfaces for the Module.
getProviderInterfaces() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.util.ServiceTemplates
Return the map of the module declared provider interfaces.
getProviders() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Service
Return the Service instance providers.
getProviders() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition
Return the Map of Service providers.
getProviderService(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service provider instance with a specified name.
getProviderService(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service provider instance with a specified key.
getProviderService(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return true if there is a Service provider instance with a specified key.
getProviderService(long) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service provider instance with a specified ID.
getProviderServices() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the provider Services instances.
getRawValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Switch
Return the data value.
getReceivedRequestID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.RequestServiceInstance
Return the request ID received by the Service instance.
getReceiveEntryPoint() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the default receive entryPoint path for the module.
getReceiveMethod(ServiceInstance<?, ?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Method used for the notification of a Service.
getRequestID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Service
Return the Service request ID if the Service maintains a request ID.
getSchema() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.XMLType
Return the Schema associatex with the type (may be null).
getSendEntryPoint() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the default send entryPoint path for the module.
getSendMethod() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.core.CyclicServiceInstance
Return the Module send method.
getSendMethod() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Module send method.
getSendRequestID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Service request ID if the Service maintains a request ID.
getService() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Datas
Return the Service.
getService(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the Service of a specified key.
getService(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the Service of a specified name.
getService(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service instance with a specified key.
getService(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service instance with a specified key.
getService(String, boolean) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service instance with a specified name.
getService(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service instance with a specified name.
getService(long) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service instance with a specified ID.
getService() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the associated Service.
getService(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.FrameworkDefinition
Return the Service of a specified name.
getService(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.FrameworkDefinition
Return the Service of a specified key.
getService() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.InterfaceDefinition
Return the associated Service.
getService() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition.Data
Return the service.
getService(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.util.OptionalServicesConfigurator
Return a checked Service.
getService(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.util.OptionalServicesConfigurator
Return a Service.
getService(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.util.OptionalServicesConfigurator
Return a checked Service.
getServiceDefinition(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service definition with a specified key.
getServiceDefinition(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service definition with a specified key.
getServiceDefinition(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service definition with a specified name.
getServiceDefinition(String, boolean) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service definition with a specified name.
getServiceInvocationMode() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Service
Return the service invocation mode.
getServiceInvocationMode() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition
Return the service invocation mode.
getServices() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the Services.
getServices() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Services instances.
getServices() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.FrameworkDefinition
Return the Services sorted by their name.
getServices() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.util.ServiceTemplates
Return the map of declared services.
getServicesByID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.FrameworkDefinition
Return the Services sorted by their ID.
getServicesByName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the Services.
getSimpleProperty(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return a property.
getSpecURL() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ApplicationDefinition
Return the URL of the XML file which hold the definition for this application.
getStartEndMethod(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Method with a specified name and no argument.
getStartEntryPoint() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the start entryPoint of the module.
getStartEntryPointDelay() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the start entryPoint delay.
getStartEntryPointDelayMS() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the start entryPoint delay in ms.
getStartTimeStamp() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the time stamp at the start of the framework.
getStartTimeStamp() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the time stamp at the start of the framework.
getState() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the state of the Service.
getState(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.EnumType
Return the state of a specified name.
getState(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.EnumType
Return the state of a specified value
getState(EnumType, String) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return the state for a state name.
getStates() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.EnumType
Return the enumeration states sorted by their name.
getStatesByValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.EnumType
Return the enumeration states sorted by their value.
getStateValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.EnumType
Return the state value for a specified state name.
getStateValue(EnumType, String) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return the state value for a state name.
getStateValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.EnumType
Return a value as a String.
getString(short) - Static method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.types.Units
Return a unit string representation.
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.namespace.NamespaceKey
Return a String representation of the key.
getStringValueAsXML(String) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.XMLType
Return any String value as an XMLNode.
getSubscriber(ModuleIDKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Service
Return a Service instance subscriber.
getSubscriberInterfaceDefinition(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the subscriber interface definition for a Service.
getSubscriberInterfaces() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the subscriber Service interfaces for the Module.
getSubscriberInterfaces() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.util.ServiceTemplates
Return the map of the module declared subscriber interfaces.
getSubscribers() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Service
Return the Service subscribers.
getSubscribers() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition
Return the Map of Service subscribers.
getSubscriberService(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service subscriber instance with a specified name.
getSubscriberService(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service subscriber instance with a specified key.
getSubscriberService(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return true if there is a Service subscriber instance with a specified key.
getSubscriberService(long) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Service subscriber instance with a specified ID.
getSubscriberServices() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the subscriber Services instances.
getTargetExtendedService() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition
Return the final Service that this Service extends in the chain of extended sercices.
getTerminalType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AliasType
Return the terminal non alias type which is referred to by this type.
getTerminalType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return the terminal non alias type which is referred to by this type.
getTerminalType(Type) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return the terminal type corresponding to a type.
getTimer() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the general modules Timer.
getTimestamp() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Service instance timestamp.
getTimestampMillis() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the Service instance timestamp in ms.
getTopic() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the Data topic if the Data is associated with a Topic.
getTopic() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition.Data
Return the Data topic if the Data is associated with a Topic.
getTopics() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition
Return all the defined topics for the Service.
getTriggerEntryPoint() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the default trigger entryPoint path for the module.
getTwoArgsMethod(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the Method with a specified name and two ServiceInstance as argument.
getType(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Application
Return the type of a specified name.
getType(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Application
Return the type of a specified key.
getType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the Data type.
getType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the Data type.
getType(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the type of a specified key.
getType(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Framework
Return the type of a specified name.
getType(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the type of a specified name.
getType(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the type of a specified key.
getType(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the type of a specified key.
getType(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the type of a specified name.
getType(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return the type of a specified key.
getType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ApplicationDefinition
Return the application type.
getType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ServiceDefinition.Data
Return the data type.
getType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AliasType
Return the type of the array elements.
getType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the type of the array elements.
getType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.MapType
Return the type of the Map elements values.
getType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType.Field
Return the field type.
getType(List<Object>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SwitchType
Return the member type.
getType() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.types.Typed
Return the reference type.
getType() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType.Member
Return the field type.
getTypes() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.FrameworkDefinition
Return the Types.
getTypesByNames() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.FrameworkDefinition
Return the Types.
getUnit() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType
Return the value unit.
getUnit() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return the value unit.
getUpdateCap() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Module
Return the update cap value in ms.
getUpdateCap() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.def.ModuleDefinition
Return the update cap value in ms.
getURI() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.namespace.NamespaceKey
Return the URI
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Any
Return the data value.
getValue(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Return the value for an index.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Bool
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Byte
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Char
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Double
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Enum
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Float
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value.
getValue(Class<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value cast to a tagged instance.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Int
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.JSON
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Long
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.MapData
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Nil
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Obj
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Short
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Str
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Switch
Return the member value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Url
Return the data value.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return 0.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Xml
Return the data value.
getValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value.
getValue(List<Object>, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the value for an index.
getValue() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.EnumType.State
Return the state value.
getValue(Type, JSONArray) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return a value from a JSONArray
getValue(Type, JSONObject) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return a value from a JSONObject
getValueAsArray() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as an array.
getValueAsArray() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the data value as an array.
getValueAsArray(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as an array.
getValueAsBoolean(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Return the value for an index as a boolean.
getValueAsBoolean() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Bool
Return the data value as a boolean.
getValueAsBoolean() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as a boolean.
getValueAsBoolean() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Nil
Return the data value as a boolean.
getValueAsBoolean() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Switch
Return the value of the member as a boolean.
getValueAsBoolean() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the data value as a boolean.
getValueAsBoolean(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as a boolean.
getValueAsBoolean(List<Object>, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the value for an index as a boolean.
getValueAsBoolean(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as a boolean.
getValueAsByte() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Byte
Return the data value as a byte.
getValueAsByte() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as a byte.
getValueAsByte() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the data value as a byte.
getValueAsByte(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as a byte.
getValueAsByte(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as a byte.
getValueAsChar(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Return the value for an index as a char.
getValueAsChar() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Char
Return the data value as a char.
getValueAsChar() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as a char.
getValueAsChar() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Switch
Return the value of the member as a char.
getValueAsChar() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the data value as a char.
getValueAsChar(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as a char.
getValueAsChar(List<Object>, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the value for an index as a char.
getValueAsChar(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as a char.
getValueAsData(Data<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Apply the value on another data array.
getValueAsData(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Return the value of an element as a Data.
getValueAsData(Data<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the value of a Data as another data.
getValueAsData(Data<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.MapData
Apply the value on another data map.
getValueAsData(Data<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Apply the value on another data Structure.
getValueAsData(Data<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Switch
Apply the value on another data union.
getValueAsData(Data<?>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Apply the value on another data union.
getValueAsData(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AnyType
Return a value as a Data.
getValueAsData(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return a value as a Data.
getValueAsData(List<Object>, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the value of an element as a Data.
getValueAsData(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.EnumType
Return a value as a Data.
getValueAsData(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.JSONType
Return a value as a Data.
getValueAsData(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.MapType
Return a value as a Data.
getValueAsData(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType
Return a value as a Data.
getValueAsData(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return a value as a Data.
getValueAsData(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SwitchType
Return a value as a Data.
getValueAsData(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as a Data.
getValueAsData(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return a value as a Data.
getValueAsData(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.URLType
Return a value as a Data.
getValueAsData(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.XMLType
Return a value as a Data.
getValueAsDouble(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Return the value for an index as a double.
getValueAsDouble() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Double
Return the data value as a double.
getValueAsDouble(short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as a double, in a specified unit.
getValueAsDouble() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as a double.
getValueAsDouble() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Switch
Return the value of the member as a double.
getValueAsDouble() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the data value as a double.
getValueAsDouble(short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the data value as a double, in a specified unit.
getValueAsDouble(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as a double.
getValueAsDouble(String, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as a double.
getValueAsDouble(Object, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AnyType
Return a value as a double, in a specified unit.
getValueAsDouble(List<Object>, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the value for an index as a double.
getValueAsDouble(Object, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType
Return a value as a double, in a specified unit.
getValueAsDouble(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as a double.
getValueAsDouble(Object, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as a double, in a specified unit.
getValueAsFile(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.URLType
Return a value as a File.
getValueAsFloat(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Return the value for an index as a float.
getValueAsFloat() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Float
Return the data value as a float.
getValueAsFloat(short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as a float, in a specified unit.
getValueAsFloat() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as a float.
getValueAsFloat() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Switch
Return the value of the member as a float.
getValueAsFloat() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the data value as a float.
getValueAsFloat(short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the data value as a float, in a specified unit.
getValueAsFloat(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as a float.
getValueAsFloat(String, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as a float.
getValueAsFloat(Object, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AnyType
Return a value as a float, in a specified unit.
getValueAsFloat(List<Object>, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the value for an index as a float.
getValueAsFloat(Object, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType
Return a value as a float, in a specified unit.
getValueAsFloat(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as a float.
getValueAsFloat(Object, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as a float, in a specified unit.
getValueAsInt(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Return the value for an index as an int.
getValueAsInt() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Char
Return the data value as an int.
getValueAsInt() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Enum
Return the data value as an int.
getValueAsInt() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as an int.
getValueAsInt() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Int
Return the data value as an int.
getValueAsInt() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Switch
Return the value of the member as an int.
getValueAsInt() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the value of as an int.
getValueAsInt(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as an int.
getValueAsInt(List<Object>, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the value for an index as an int.
getValueAsInt(Object, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType
Return a value as an int, in a specified unit.
getValueAsInt(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as an int.
getValueAsInt(Object, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as an int.
getValueAsJSON() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as a JSONElement.
getValueAsJSON() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.JSON
Return the data value as a JSONElement.
getValueAsJSON(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as a JSONObject.
getValueAsJSON(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.JSONType
Return a value as an JSONElement.
getValueAsList() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Return the value as a List.
getValueAsList() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value as a List.
getValueAsList() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Switch
Return the value as a List.
getValueAsList() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Return the value as a List.
getValueAsLong(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Return the value for an index as a long.
getValueAsLong() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as a long.
getValueAsLong() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Long
Return the data value as a long.
getValueAsLong() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the data value as a long.
getValueAsLong(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as a long.
getValueAsLong(List<Object>, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the value for an index as a long.
getValueAsLong(Object, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType
Return a value as a long, in a specified unit.
getValueAsLong(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as a long.
getValueAsLong(Object, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as a long.
getValueAsMap() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as a Map.
getValueAsShort(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Return the value for an index as a short.
getValueAsShort() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as a short.
getValueAsShort() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Short
Return the data value as a short.
getValueAsShort() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Switch
Return the value of the member as a short.
getValueAsShort() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the data value as a short.
getValueAsShort(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as a short.
getValueAsShort(List<Object>, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the value for an index as a short.
getValueAsShort(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as a short.
getValueAsSimpleType(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType
Return the value corresponding with this type.
getValueAsSimpleType(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.URLType
Return the value corresponding with this type.
getValueAsSimpleType(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.XMLType
Return the value corresponding with this type.
getValueAsString(int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Array
Return the value for an index as a String.
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Char
Return the data value as a String.
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Enum
Return the data value as a String.
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as a String.
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.JSON
Return the data value as a String.
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Obj
Return the data value as a String.
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Str
Return the data value as a String.
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Structure
Return the value as a String.
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Switch
Return the value of the member as a String.
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Url
Return the data value as a String.
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the data value as a String.
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Xml
Return the data value as a String.
getValueAsString(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AliasType
Return the value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AnyType
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsString(List<Object>, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the value for an index as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the value of the array as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.EnumType
Return the enumeration state value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.JSONType
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.MapType
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType.Nil
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType.Field
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SwitchType
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType.Member
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.URLType
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.XMLType
Return a value as a String.
getValueAsStructure() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as a Structure.
getValueAsStructure() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the data value as a Structure.
getValueAsStructure(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as a Structure.
getValueAsUnion() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as an union.
getValueAsUnion() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Void
Return the data value as an Union.
getValueAsURL() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as an URL.
getValueAsURL() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Url
Return the data value as an URL.
getValueAsURL(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as an URL.
getValueAsURL(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.URLType
Return a value as an URL.
getValueAsXML() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data
Return the data value as an XML structure.
getValueAsXML() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Xml
Return the data value as an XMLNode.
getValueAsXML(List<SAXParseException>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Xml
Return the data value as an XMLNode.
getValueAsXML(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return a data value as an XMLNode.
getValueAsXML(Object, List<SAXParseException>) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.XMLType
Return a value as an XMLNode.
getValueAsXML(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.XMLType
Return a value as an XMLNode.
getValueFromInstance(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AliasType
Return a value as an instance object.
getValueFromInstance(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.AnyType
Return a value as an instance object.
getValueFromInstance(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ArrayType
Return the value of a structure of the specified type from the fields of an instance object.
getValueFromInstance(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.MapType
Return a value as an instance object.
getValueFromInstance(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.ObjectType
Return a value as an instance object.
getValueFromInstance(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SimpleType
Return a value as an instance object.
getValueFromInstance(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StringType
Return a value as an instance object.
getValueFromInstance(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return the value of a structure of the specified type from the fields of an instance object.
getValueFromInstance(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.SwitchType
Return null.
getValueFromInstance(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.Type
Return a value as an instance object.
getValueFromInstance(Object) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return a value as an instance object.
getValueFromString(Type, String) - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.util.DataUtilities
Return the value corresponding with a String.
getVariant() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.Data.Union
Return the member variant.
getVariant() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return the type of the Union variantType.
getVoid() - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.StructType
Return an empty Structure type, which contains no field.
getVoid() - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.model.types.UnionType
Return an empty Union type, which contains no members.
getVoidService() - Static method in class org.da.protoframework.model.core.ServiceInstance
Return an empty Service instance, which does nothing.
getXMLString(short) - Static method in interface org.da.protoframework.model.types.Units
Return a unit string representation as specified in the XML file.
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