- getA661LayerName(int, int) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the layer name for an application ID and a layer ID.
- getA661LayerName(int, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the layer name for an application ID and a layer ID.
- getA661RuntimeAPI() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the A661 runtime API helper.
- getA661RuntimeAPI() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.FunctionalUA
Return the A661 runtime API helper.
- getA661WidgetID(String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the widget ID for a widget name and the default layer representation.
- getA661WidgetID(String, String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the widget ID for a layer representation name, and widget name.
- getA661WidgetID(int, String, String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the widget ID for a layer representation name, and widget name.
- getA661WidgetID(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the widget ID for a widget name and the default layer representation.
- getA661WidgetID(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the widget ID for a layer representation name, and widget name.
- getA661WidgetID(int, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the widget ID for a layer representation name, and widget name.
- getAPI() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptContext
- getAppliID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661LayerRep
Return the layer appli ID.
- getArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the data value as an array.
- getArrayValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the data value as an array.
- getArrayValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the data value as an array.
- getArrayValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the data value as an array.
- getArrayValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the data value as an array.
- getBearing(MapPosition, MapPosition) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the bearing between two points given their positions.
- getBearing(MapPosition) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the angle between two points given their relative position in meters.
- getBearing(MapPosition, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the angle between two points given their relative position in meters.
- getBearingFromLatLong(MapPosition, MapPosition) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the bearing between two points given their position in latitude / longitude.
- getBearingFromLatLong(MapPosition, MapPosition, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the bearing between two points given their position in latitude / longitude.
- getBearingFromNorthEast(MapPosition, MapPosition) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the bearing between two points given their position in meter.
- getBearingFromNorthEast(MapPosition, MapPosition, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the bearing between two points given their position in meter.
- getBooleanValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a boolean.
- getBooleanValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a boolean.
- getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a boolean.
- getBooleanValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data as a boolean.
- getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data as a boolean.
- getCallableClass() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.CallableUA
The object which will be called.
- getCallableObject() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.CallableUA
The object which will be called.
- getClassLoader() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the ClassLoader used for loading the UA
- getClassLoader() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.UAApplication
Return the ClassLoader used to load the UA application.
- getConnectionDelay() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.CallableUA
Return the connection delay for this UA.
- getContext() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the Script context.
- getCyclicMethods() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.CallableUA
Return a cyclic method declarations.
- getData(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the Data of a specified name for the default subscribed Service.
- getData(String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the Data of a specified name for a specified Service.
- getData(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the Data of a specified name for a specified Service.
- getData(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the Data of a specified name for the default subscribed Service.
- getData(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the Data of a specified name for a specified Service.
- getDefaultA661LayerRep() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the default layer representation used by this functional UA.
- getDefaultA661LayerRep() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the default layer representation used by this functional UA.
- getDistance(MapPosition) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the distance between two points given their relative position.
- getDistanceTo(double, double, double, double, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the distance between two points from (latitude, longitude).
- getDistanceTo(MapPosition, MapPosition) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the distance between two points from (latitude, longitude).
- getDistanceTo(double) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
- getEastNorthPosition(MapPosition) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the projection from (latitude, longitude) coordinates to (east, north) using the Lambert approximation formulas.
- getEastNorthPosition(MapPosition, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the projection from (latitude, longitude) coordinates to (east, north) using the Lambert approximation formulas.
- getEastNorthPosition(double, double) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the projection from (latitude, longitude) coordinates to (east, north) using the Lambert approximation formulas.
- getEastNorthPosition(double, double, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the projection from (latitude, longitude) coordinates to (east, north) using the Lambert approximation formulas.
- getFirstCoord() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Double
Return the first coordinate (which is normally a X position).
- getFirstCoord() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Float
Return the first coordinate (which is normally a X position).
- getFirstCoord() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition
Return the first coordinate (which is normally a X position).
- getFirstCoord() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Int
Return the first coordinate (which is normally a X position).
- getFirstCoordDouble() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Double
Return the first coordinate in double precision.
- getFirstCoordDouble() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Float
Return the first coordinate in double precision.
- getFirstCoordDouble() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition
Return the first coordinate in double precision.
- getFirstCoordDouble() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Int
Return the first coordinate in double precision.
- getFloatValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a float.
- getFloatValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a float.
- getFloatValue(String, String, String, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a float.
- getFloatValue(String, String, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a float.
- getFloatValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a float.
- getFloatValue(String, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a float.
- getFloatValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data as a float.
- getFloatValue(String, String, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data as a float.
- getFloatValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data as a float.
- getFloatValue(String, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data as a float.
- getFunctionalUA() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.CallableUA
Return the FunctionalUA.
- getFunctionalUA() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
- getHelper() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptContext
Return the ScriptHelper, which provides several utility methods.
- getIntValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as an int.
- getIntValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as an int.
- getIntValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as an int.
- getIntValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data as an int.
- getIntValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data as an int.
- getLatLongPosition(MapPosition, MapPosition) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Return the (latitude, longitude) position of a point which is at a (east, north) position relative to a reference point.
- getLatLongPosition(MapPosition, double, double) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Return the (latitude, longitude) position of a point which is at a (east, north) position relative to a reference point.
- getLatLongPosition(MapPosition, double, double, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Return the (latitude, longitude) position of a point which is at a (east, north) position relative to a reference point.
- getLatLongPosition(double, double, float, float) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Return the (latitude, longitude) position of a point which is at a (east, north) position relative to a reference point.
- getLatLongPosition(MapPosition) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the reverse projection from (east, north) coordinates to (Latitude, Longitude) using the Lambert approximation formulas.
- getLatLongPosition(double, double) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the reverse projection from (east, north) coordinates to (Latitude, Longitude) using the Lambert approximation formulas.
- getLatLongPosition(double, double, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the reverse projection from (east, north) coordinates to (Latitude, Longitude) using the Lambert approximation formulas.
- getLatLongPositionFromMM(MapPosition, MapPosition) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Return the (latitude, longitude) position of a point which is at a (east, north) position relative to a reference point.
- getLatLongPositionFromMM(MapPosition, MapPosition, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Return the (latitude, longitude) position of a point which is at a (east, north) position relative to a reference point.
- getLatLongPositionFromMM(MapPosition, double, double) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Return the (latitude, longitude) position of a point which is at a (east, north) position relative to a reference point.
- getLatLongPositionFromMM(MapPosition, double, double, short) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Return the (latitude, longitude) position of a point which is at a (east, north) position relative to a reference point.
- getLatLongPositionFromMM(double, double, long, long) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Return the (latitude, longitude) position of a point which is at a (east, north) position relative to a reference point.
- getLatLongPositionFromMM(long, long) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the reverse projection from (x, y) coordinates from the reference of the MapHorz (the PRP) to (Latitude, Longitude) using the
Lambert approximation formulas.
- getLayerID() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661LayerRep
Return the layer ID.
- getLayerRefs() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.CallableUA
- getLayerRep(String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the layer representation for a Layer name.
- getLayerRep(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the layer representation for a Layer name.
- getMethod(NamespaceKey) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.CallableUA
- getModule() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptContext
- getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661LayerRep
Return the layer representation name.
- getName() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.MapItemListRep
Return the Buffer name.
- getOrientation() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Return the North orientation defined in degrees.
- getParameterID(String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its ARINC ID.
- getParameterID(int, String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its ARINC ID.
- getParameterID(String, String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its ARINC ID.
- getParameterID(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its ARINC ID.
- getParameterID(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its ARINC ID.
- getParameterID(int, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its parameter name.
- getParameterID(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its ARINC ID.
- getParameterID(String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its ARINC ID.
- getParameterIDFromName(String, String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its name.
- getParameterIDFromName(int, String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its parameter name.
- getParameterIDFromName(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its name.
- getParameterIDFromName(int, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its name.
- getParameterIDFromName(int, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its parameter name.
- getParameterIDFromName(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its name.
- getParameterIDFromName(String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its name.
- getParameterIDFromName(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the parameter int ID for its name.
- getParameterValue(String, int) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter for the default layer representation.
- getParameterValue(String, String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter for the default layer representation.
- getParameterValue(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter.
- getParameterValue(int, int) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter for the default layer representation.
- getParameterValue(String, int, int) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter for a layer representation.
- getParameterValue(String, String, int) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter for a layer representation.
- getParameterValue(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.A661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter for a layer representation.
- getParameterValue(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter.
- getParameterValue(int, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter for the default layer representation.
- getParameterValue(String, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter for the default layer representation.
- getParameterValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter for the default layer representation.
- getParameterValue(String, int, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter for a layer representation.
- getParameterValue(String, String, int) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter for a layer representation.
- getParameterValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.DefaultA661RuntimeAPI
Return the value of a widget parameter for a layer representation.
- getScript() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.ScriptedFunctionalUA
Return the script.
- getScriptURL() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptContext
Return the associated Script file.
- getSecondCoord() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Double
Return the second coordinate (which is normally a Y position).
- getSecondCoord() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Float
Return the second coordinate (which is normally a Y position).
- getSecondCoord() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition
Return the second coordinate (which is normally a Y position).
- getSecondCoord() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Int
Return the second coordinate (which is normally a Y position).
- getSecondCoordDouble() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Double
Return the second coordinate in double precision.
- getSecondCoordDouble() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Float
Return the second coordinate in double precision.
- getSecondCoordDouble() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition
Return the second coordinate in double precision.
- getSecondCoordDouble() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Int
Return the second coordinate in double precision.
- getServices() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.UAApplication
Return the service instance.
- getShortValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a short.
- getShortValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a short.
- getShortValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a short.
- getStateValueAsString(String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a enumeration state as a String.
- getStateValueAsString(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a enumeration state as a String.
- getStateValueAsString(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a enumeration state as a String.
- getStateValueAsString(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a enumeration state as a String.
- getStateValueAsString(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a enumeration state as a String.
- getStringValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a String.
- getStringValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a String.
- getStringValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a String.
- getStringValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data as a String.
- getStringValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data as a String.
- getStructureValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a structure.
- getStructureValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a structure.
- getStructureValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data as a structure.
- getStructureValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data as a structure.
- getStructureValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data as a structure.
- getUA() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.CallableUA
Return the UA.
- getUA() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.UAApplication
Return the unique ua if it exists.
- getUAs() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.UAApplication
Return the list of uas if it exists.
- getUnit() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Double
- getUnit() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Float
- getUnit() - Method in interface org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition
Return the position unit.
- getUnit() - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.MapPosition.Int
- getValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data.
- getValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data.
- getValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.AbstractFunctionalUA
Return the value of a Data.
- getValue(String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data.
- getValue(String, String) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.script.context.UAScriptHelper
Return the value of a Data.
- getVector(double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the projection from (latitude, longitude) coordinates to (east, north) using the Lambert approximation formulas.
- getVector(MapPosition, MapPosition) - Method in class org.da.protoframework.uaappli.helper.projection.ProjectionHelper
Compute the projection from (latitude, longitude) coordinates to (east, north) using the Lambert approximation formulas.