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Communication Protocol

Invoking services can be performed through the UDP or TCP protocol. This article explains the structure and the content of the data used for this invocation.

Communication sequence

The sequence of communication for a Service invocation through TCP or UDP is as follows:
  • The provider module calls the invoke() method for the Service
  • The framework which controls the provider module defer the invocation to the implementation of the protocol protocol which is used for the subscriber module
  • The framework which controls the subscriber module receives the TCP or UDP message
  • The framework which controls the subscriber module notifies this module


Structure of a message

There are two types of messages:
  • Nominal messages which are sent normally for a Service invocation
  • Exception messages which are sent when a Module emits an error

Nominal messages

A nominal message has the following structure:
Size in bits Data Type Content
32 int MAGIC keyword[1]
The MAGIC keyword value is 0xDA666
64 long Service ID
8 or 16[2]
Size depends on the value of the charAs8Bits property
If charAs8Bits is true, this is a C-type char on 8 bits, encoded on 1 byte, which is equivalent to a Java byte. A Java char would have been encoded on 2 bytes, so on 16 bits. Because of that, the regular encoding way in Java for a char value would be for example with Netty:
                  byte b = (byte)charValue;
If charAs8Bits is false, this is a Java-type char on 16 bits, encoded on 2 bytes.
INVOKE keyword[4]
The INVOKE keyword value is 0x01
64 long Time stamp (See Time stamp)
64 long Request ID (different from 0 if the invocation corresponds to a request)
N/A N/A Service content (see Service content)

Exceptions messages

An exception message has the following structure:
Size in bits Data Type Content
32 int MAGIC keyword[1]
The MAGIC keyword value is 0xDA666
64 long Service ID
8 or 16[2]
Size depends on the value of the charAs8Bits property
If charAs8Bits is true, this is a C-type char on 8 bits, encoded on 1 byte, which is equivalent to a Java byte. A Java char would have been encoded on 2 bytes, so on 16 bits. Because of that, the regular encoding way in Java for a char value would be for example with Netty:
                  byte b = (byte)charValue;
If charAs8Bits is false, this is a Java-type char on 16 bits, encoded on 2 bytes.
EXCEPTION keyword[5]
The EXCEPTION keyword value is 0x04
8 or 16[2]
Size depends on the value of the charAs8Bits property
If charAs8Bits is true, this is a C-type char on 8 bits, encoded on 1 byte, which is equivalent to a Java byte. A Java char would have been encoded on 2 bytes, so on 16 bits. Because of that, the regular encoding way in Java for a char value would be for example with Netty:
                  byte b = (byte)charValue;
If charAs8Bits is false, this is a Java-type char on 16 bits, encoded on 2 bytes.
error type (see error types)
64 long Time stamp (See Time stamp)
64 long Request ID (different from 0 if the error corresponds to an invalid request)

Error types

The supported error types are:
Name Value Meaning
ERROR_NO_ERROR 0x00 No error, should never be set to this value
ERROR_TIMEOUT 0x01 Timeout error, normally not sent by the Network
ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST 0x02 Invalid request error

Service content

The serializarion of the Service is the list of datas defined for the Service in the order in which they are defined in their XML configuration. For example, for the following Service:
      <publish name="position" >
         <data name="latitude" type="float" />
         <data name="longitude" type="float" />
         <data name="altitude" type="float" />
The order in which the datas will be sent will be:
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • altitude

How the datas are serialized depends on their type. To serialize a complex type, the framework will serialize each element composing the type.

Simple types

Simple types are serialized directly:
Data Type Size in bits Content
32 signed int value
short 16 signed short value
long 64 signed long value
byte 8 byte value
char 8 or 16[2]
Size depends on the value of the charAs8Bits property
signed char value[3]
If charAs8Bits is true, this is a C-type char on 8 bits, encoded on 1 byte, which is equivalent to a Java byte. A Java char would have been encoded on 2 bytes, so on 16 bits. Because of that, the regular encoding way in Java for a char value would be for example with Netty:
                  byte b = (byte)charValue;
If charAs8Bits is false, this is a Java-type char on 16 bits, encoded on 2 bytes.
float 32 IEEE float value
double 64 IEEE double value
nil elements will always have the 0x00 (false) value
8 0x00 (false) or 0x01 (true)
string 32 + {8+} or 32 + {16+}[2]
Size depends on the value of the charAs8Bits property
String length: int,
characters: array of chars[7]
There is no \0 char for the end of the String
If charAs8Bits is true, this is a C-type char on 8 bits, encoded on 1 byte, which is equivalent to a Java byte. A Java char would have been encoded on 2 bytes, so on 16 bits. Because of that, the regular encoding way in Java for a char value would be for example with Netty:
                  byte b = (byte)charValue;
If charAs8Bits is false, this is a Java-type char on 16 bits, encoded on 2 bytes.

Array types

Data Type Size in bits Content
int 32 array size
N/A N/A {value for each element in the array}

Structure types

Data Type Size in bits Content
N/A N/A {value for each field in the structure} (in the order of their definition)

Union types

Data Type Size in bits Content
int 32 Union variant
N/A N/A value for the current member of the Union (corresponding to the variant)

Map types

Data Type Size in bits Content
int 32 Map size
N/A N/A {value for each key,
value for each value}

Time stamp

The Time stamp value allows specifies the time stamp value for the Service (see Java modules service interface).


  1. ^ [1] [2] The MAGIC keyword value is 0xDA666
  2. ^ [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Size depends on the value of the charAs8Bits property
  3. ^ [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] If charAs8Bits is true, this is a C-type char on 8 bits, encoded on 1 byte, which is equivalent to a Java byte. A Java char would have been encoded on 2 bytes, so on 16 bits. Because of that, the regular encoding way in Java for a char value would be for example with Netty:
                      byte b = (byte)charValue;
    If charAs8Bits is false, this is a Java-type char on 16 bits, encoded on 2 bytes.
  4. ^ The INVOKE keyword value is 0x01
  5. ^ The EXCEPTION keyword value is 0x04
  6. ^ nil elements will always have the 0x00 (false) value
  7. ^ There is no \0 char for the end of the String

See also

Categories: config

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